Yeah, the “apparently famous” remark rubs me the wrong way. You don’t necessarily have to be a tennis fan to review a tennis movie, but that sort of comment suggests that Dowd doesn’t take the subject matter seriously. It doesn’t assure that a movie about it will be good, but there’s no denying that it was a rather…
McEnroe doesn’t have beef with Williams; he took the bait and gave an indelicate (but largely correct) answer to a question designed for that purpose, and Williams understandably didn’t like the way it sounded, even though she had previously expressed sentiments indicating the real point of contention, aside from…
I guess I don’t comment enough to really be that bothered by the new commenting system.
Especially after the old guard of writers left, I pretty much came to AV Club for the commentors anyway, not for the slowly-degrading-in-quality articles.
I tried After Dark again, but the truth is I’d rather be commenting on something. I didn’t ever contribute much to Reasonable Discussions because I come here to talk about pop culture. If I don’t have at least the semblance of a pop culture article of interest to react to, I can’t be bothered most of the time.
This is the saddest reasonable discussions I’ve ever seen.
Nothing fires up a discussion more than having no idea who anybody is responding to.
I was on vacation for a week, and off the grid. I came back, hoping, maybe, just maybe, I’d find things more or less sorted out, and the AVClub I known and love back on on course.
“Thank you for making our site’s community vibrant, intelligent, and fun!”
Felicia Day wrote a book? I wonder if anyone at the AV Club was at all aware of that. It’s certainly new information, in any case.
Felicia Day wrote a book? I wonder if anyone at the AV Club was at all aware of that. It’s certainly new…
The delay for Episode 3 was just so baffling because Newell had specifically described the episodic format as a way of moving away from the long development cycles for major releases. And compounding the irony was the fact that episodes 1 and 2 made a good case for it! But yea, I mean, if the episode had come out then…
The album will be released on Nov. 10, which is (probably not) coincidentally 10 years after of the death of nemesis Kanye West’s mother Donda, to the exact day.
I’ll double your call for a reach. This is a little too much.
Apparently Taylor has a special calendar marked with the significant dates of anyone who has ever looked at her cross-eyed, because that would be an excellent use of time and effort. (I mean, seriously, I’m gonna say that if you aren’t related to Kanye West and you know the date of his mother’s death, you have WAY too…
Probably the same way damn near everybody else would - “oh, shit, I had no idea it was on that day.”
Who keeps track of the day that someone else’s mother died?