Only if what they make from the sales never exceeds the advance.
Only if what they make from the sales never exceeds the advance.
Would you say they had remade a plethora of movies?
I think most streaming bitrates, while not terrible, are low enough to sound worse than CD to the average person (spotify is apparently at 160 kbps on desktop, 96kbps on mobile, with 320 kbps being a rough "good as CD" mark), rather than it being some super-subjective magical cable audiophile thing.
Not so sure about your second point. Is there some good historical data on it? I can believe that the majority of musicans haven't made much money from record sales… but I would guess that's simply because the majority aren't great successes, and aren't making much from shows either.
But isn't there a hell of a lot of subjectivity in the crucial meaning of both "part of a group" and "a group that does X"? At one end of the spectrum you have a person who, say, signed the manifesto of an organised group who, all together as a group, go and do X in accordance with said manifesto. At the other end…
Really? Well, I guess it's consistent at least, but I think it's pretty absurd to suggest someone who puts "Interested in:men" (when putting women as well is an option) on their dating profile is somehow making a disparaging claim that women are sexually "horrible" or "disgusting" as opposed to just not their…
I'm not saying I agree with him (and I find the whole "ally" framing pretty unhelpful regardless) but to be fair, I'm not sure Savage's argument is quite "You may be 100% certain you won't be attracted to this person, but should go to buff your progressive credentials anyway", because he does say that it's always…
But why models?
Well, I would say hiring Colbert only carries much of an implication that non-white or female candidates were ignored if it's somehow unlikely that one could both consider them and yet nonetheless hire Colbert. And, given Colbert's popularity, experience etc., that doesn't seem at all unlikely.
And then Dreamfall overcompensates or something and gives you tasks like "Here's an object. Go to this person and give it to them."
Hmm, the quote if anything seems to contradict the final sentence. Plus of course there's the fact the the biggest mass bombing campaigns by the RAF were late in WW2, after it had happened to Britain.
I hadn't heard the idea that Albert was seen as problematically German before, do you have a source? Looking it up it seems there's only 3 precedents for not using one's first name (… but they are all relatively recent (3 of the 4 monarchs preceding Elizabeth II). As for Charles, hard to…
But also the US, Turkey, Switzerland and Japan.
Played it that way: it's not too difficult, but for me it really showed up (in a bad way) how much boring "kill 20 of these" content there is in MMOs. An awful lot of grind for what interesting KOTOR related story you get.
In the afterlife it's always Boat Race Night, and a chap, even one burdened by a freshly-acquired helmet, is always a bit swifter on the old heels than the police.
(probably my last post on this, need to do other things)
All that demonstrates is that people can do a bad, biased job of judging what is reliable and relevant. That's perfectly consistent with doing an unbiased job still being the right goal to aim for, rather than shrugging one's shoulders and abandoning any notion of objectivity.
If you think filtering based on relevance and reliability (given finite reporting space and time) is an abandonment of "objectivity" then I think that's a rather bizarrely narrow view of the term but sure, I would not argue for that kind of objectivity. But I think it's pretty clearly not what this article or the…
You're making value judgements as to its relevance and reliability. Whose position it favours shouldn't be a factor.
Hmm, wasn't the last Spaceballs thing Mel Brooks did the animated series, and wasn't that pretty widely regarded as awful? Not a promising notion if so.