
Big and ridiculous yes. As big and ridiculous as that thing in the trailer no.

That article puts the largest ones at 6.4 metres long, so not really that big and ridiculous.

Wasn't it more a case of when two humanoid groups meet, they end up having sex as a sort of greeting/nonaggression ritual? It felt like a pretty gratuitous plot concept, but IIRC it was pretty balanced in gender terms.

Ok, I'm no expert in any of this, but The Selfish Gene was written in 1976. I don't think it's a point against Dawkins if he was correctly describing people's best knowledge at the time.

It cost her the increased risk that they'd cancel the show instead.

I think people aren't bothered by so much by the review talking about whether the narrative engages well with the violence being morally troublesome, just the degree to which it overwhelmingly focuses on that.

Indy's treatment of Nur-Ab-Sal has many troubling geopolitical implications.

Rambo Fourth Blood First Blood Pt IV Rambo Pt III Rambo III Pt II

I have a preference for narrative-focused games, but I can see people finding the enormous focus of this review on whether the violent gameplay is made sufficiently morally troubling irritating for the same reason as I'd be irritated by a review of "The Walking Dead" which focused primarily on the inventory puzzles

In the modern Peanuts era it really only seems to be Lucy who's consistently cruel to him (although Patty and Violet were back in the day).

Magnets (the ferromagnetic, permanent magnets people are probably most familiar with) are actually quite challenging to explain. You can talk about how the substance is made up of little magnetic domains (true enough), but saying why, in some substances, even with no external field applied, those domains should all

I think the "God's plan" idea, if it's not just a rote saying, often refers to the idea that it's part of his plan on earth. So not so much Bill died because heaven needed him, but maybe because his death made things better somehow (who knows, maybe he would have become a murderer 5 years later. Or someone reads

Haven't seen it, but I thought The Eagle deliberately gave the Romans American accents and the Britons British ones. Vaguely recall some commentary to the effect that actually using American accents in film portraying that period was an unusual choice, although of course there was no good reason it should be.

I think he's said he now thinks of the computer voice as his (makes some sense given how long he's been using it) so prefers not to change.

Edward hasn't been divorced.

No, no, he'll use his Incredible Cunning And Manipulation instead. To wit:

2 Drones 2 Autonomous

There's an interview with the creator from 1999 (5 years after the mod) where he mentions getting several job offers as a result but turning them down to finish his degree. But I think this is the same guy, so yes, in the industry now:

Odd though it sounds, I find DA:O sort of brave in making its setting as generic as it is. Elves in the woods with bows, dwarves underground with axes, wizards in towers, hordes of orcish things threatening the realm and a Dark Lord boss behind it all. It basically takes the Tolkienesque fantasy setting as an