A Little Angry Slice of Pie

3. Don’t go home: do something you actually want to do. Why are you forcing yourself to go through this miserable experience over and over? Reduce your visit frequency by 75% and you’ll appreciate the chore of sitting through their routine much more.

A life boiled down to simply basking in the presence of those you are close to while enjoying a mundane, passive activity like watching television, eating or drinking with minimal spoken communication is a deeply underrated way to live.

I, for one, am still reeling from the cultural insensitivity of not casting an actual demon in the lead role of Hellboy himself.

Yeah. Good luck if you have any issues with the rebate or if you need to return the product for any reason. I have been trying to return the phones that I ordered through this deal for almost a month now, to no avail.

Yeah. Good luck if you have any issues with the rebate or if you need to return the product for any reason. I have

I have had Sprint for 20 years and it’s worked just fine and has always been the cheapest option for my family. I’m now on their Samson Galaxy Forever plan and I get a new phone ever year and unlimited data for $55 a month. This phone pulls down 30+ Mbps consistently and many times even faster. Why does Sprint get

Been with Sprint for 7 years. Drove over 10k miles to some pretty remote areas (Wyoming, New Mexico, Utah, S. Dakota) and never once lost service. Everyone says how Sprint sucks, but I’ve never had a nanosecond of problems. Given, I don’t watch movies on my phone, but that’s not why I buy phones anyway. I just don’t

Oh so that’s how they got those grill marks. Thanks!

Oh so that’s how they got those grill marks. Thanks!

does it come with any sort of iron clad guarantee that it’s not communicating how often i’m removing hair where i’m removing it from?

does it come with any sort of iron clad guarantee that it’s not communicating how often i’m removing hair where i’m

That would seem to be an argument for transracialism and against transgenderism. My nationality similarly has no basis in my physiology and it’s pretty uncontroversial (if difficult) for me to change it.

The fact that this received 48 stars (as of this reply) is the problem with issues like these. Too many people on both sides are just as misinformed yet convinced they have a firm understanding of the subject.

You’re confusing sex and gender, as are many commenters. Gender has no physiological basis, which is why this commenter’s question is sort of reasonable: s/he is asking, if gender is a construct and race is a construct, what’s the difference?

So what you’re saying is you want the OP to go with “Mongoloid”? Jesus Christ. “Asian” is synonymous with East Asian people, excluding South Asians and Middle Easterners who are geographically but not racially “Asiatic”. If black/white are legitimate, they deserve something other than “yellow” to describe themselves.

This is patently false on all three claims. There is no physiological basis for gender, and race has a physiological (shared phenotypes) and genetic (genetic variation between races) basis. The genetic difference is minuscule, but the physiological difference is so obvious we just map our races to skin color for

I think they’ve identified certain medical conditions that are more prevalent in certain races/ethnicities. Many of these are genetic in origin.

The science of forensic anthropology disagrees.

Good point. That’s why so many black couple have asain babies. Race isn’t genetic.

I lol'ed. :)

Thank you for addressing weight training in this article. I see lots of overweight people trying to lose weight by doing only cardio. It works for a lot of people, and that's great. But many of those people are the same ones that end up with lots of loose skin. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was when I

As someone who followed a low-carb diet toward weight loss that I've kept off for the past 8 years, I'm going to have to dissagree with you. While I likeley cut some calories by not eating bread or sugar, simply eating low calorie has never helped me to lose weight. I had to cut the sugar and refined carbohydrates

Your calorie "myth" is flat-out wrong, and doesn't even bother proving itself. All you point out is that "foods are different" and that's your argument against "calories are food energy, your body stores excess energy as fat"? Of course a cucumber is different than sugar — even calorically. A pound of milk chocolate