Angry Picard

The GC/Xbox/PS2 era had a strong selection of Bond games. Everything or Nothing, Agent Under Fire, Nightfire, Rogue Agent, and From Russia with Love. None were perfect, but they all had their own charms and unique feel. I don't know why last and this gen has been so sparse in comparison, but that's an IP I'd like to

No wonder Tyrion can't die in battle. No one can auto-aim at him. Stop picking oddjob ya cheat.

That fire plume was massive. If he wasn't in it he was close. And dragons can melt steel and stone, which puts their flame at 2500 F or higher. For comparison, a house fire burns around 1100 F and lava is 2200 F. He should be concerned about blistering his skin, his clothes melting and burning, inhaling hot air and

I was just being facetious

Yeah it's fine to miss if you're casually discussing it, but when you are a prominent creator publicly smearing another work, you should probably know what you're talking about. I bet she would be pissed if someone else did that to her works.

Even a wooden sword would probably cave in Arya's head. She was taking full swings and she's 2 feet taller.

The movie also explicitly states that he's not transexual.

Either he's got some crazy hops or spent that gold on some nice plot armor. That fire looked like it spread out at least 15 feet from the weapon and fire that got should have roasted the air around him even without direct contact.

I was a bit confused too. These graphics were a bit too good for the N64 era.

Overruled. As a court of experts, I am bound by book precedent, and Lady Stoneheart v. Frey clearly established a strict treatment of non-prophecy related resurrection as true death in revenge proceedings, as the Lady sought retribution for her own death. We as a court of hedge-knights carry no authority to override

The Jon Snow Rule. He may now walk but his death still counts as such for legal purposes.

Robert, Tyson, and the Mountain have all been violently murdered in embarrassing ways. It's about as good as it gets in Westeros.

Kirk also said "Mankind has no need for Gods. We find the one quite adequate." and the original Enterprise had a chapel. Much of Gene's Star Trek 'canon' is revisionist history that completely fails common sense. See also-no humans can argue, humans must be too stupid to understand the concepts of money and basic

No I remember that Ghost was in the room protecting Jon's body with Davos. The GOT wiki says he was left out of the Battle of the Bastards and is safe in Winterfell. Thanks for catching that error.

High Valyrian is a dead language and Dany grew up with the version taught through linguistic bastards. In the same way that a Catholic priest can read Latin but probably can't fully contextualize a document from the early Roman Republic, or the average person can't grasp ever word and implication of Chaucer and

Their significance is symbolic. They represent the Stark children's connection to their house and tradition. Sansa's died when she decided to become a lady of the southern court and throne lackey, Arya's became lost as it became feral like arya wandering around seeking revenge, Bran's died as a sacrifice for the

Because the cost of a restaurant meal is determined by labor mostly, kids don't care and in many cases don't like complex flavors, and kids don't pay the bills. If I am a restaurant owner, I don't want to marinate for 12 hours, prep, then watch over a 4 oz steak that will annoy the parents with at least a $10 price

I didn't really have a problem with him or the acting, but I thought the close up with "it's a new song" was incredibly obnoxious and broke immersion in the scene for me, especially since it started it. I expected that mugging to end with "available on iTunes now!"

My Cabbages!

"How fast?"
"Infinite speed."
"So…it's a farce?"