Angry Patriot

It has a lot to do with performance. Aren’t owners supposed to hire TALENT? Name ANY team that could ride to the Superbowl with Kapernick. I’m not talking Kapernick of 2012, Kapernick of today. He just doesn’t have the same stuff. He bottomed out. Did you guys raise a stink when Tim Tebow found himself out of a job? I

Nice to know that you write on social issues and not sports issues. I thought this was a sports website and not mother Jones or pMSNBC? Either way, sorry to hear that you’re on the wrong side of things. Fact is, Kapernick is not the quarterback he used to be. He sucks. Maybe he could be picked up somewhere if a

What makes that statement onion worthy? It’s absurd that all these anti American assholes are given any credibility. We are A NATION OF LIBERTY. Sure, these guys have the right to sit down during the national anthem. Who made it possible? Brave American volunteers who FOUGHT FOR OUR LIBERTY. Sitting down for the