Moreoral Compass

I do wonder if Far Cry games, and the Ubisoft formula at large, is just not good for critics. I played AC: Valhalla over many weeks. Took some breaks here and there, and just gradually made my way through it. And I enjoyed it!

However, I can’t imagine playing it under a time crunch, and if I had, I would have given it

So dumb. All of it.

How is no one pointing out tracking?!

I was young once. I never talked like that. It’s a tool trait, not a youth trait.

He broverdid it.

Put up or shut up bro. I’ll play your punk ass for any amount, you fuckin’ sorry piece of shit. You and Fanatiq. Any amount bro, you fuckin’ suck bro. Just because I lost to Justin? C’mon bro, knock it the fuck off bro.”

Think about it this way:
“Buenos Dias” is a common Spanish phrase that people are familiar with. As an English speaker, we are taught that it means “hello” or “good morning”. Literally though, it translates into “good days”. “Hello” is still a good translation, but it does demonstrate the point of how no two languages

Or Shooty McShootface

That sounds like and HDMI handshaking issue.... What make is your TV? You should try it on another TV and see if the issue continues. 

How come you are bringing art style to a discussion table of technical processes?

Right? I’m sure he’ll be treated with care and respect, he’ll be “da bell of da ball.”

Honestly, The Headline and the picture tell me everything I need to know. This guy is disgusting.

You know what the next step of being a functioning adult is? Keeping your opinions to yourself.


Yes, exactly this. I don’t have a console, but if I did I wouldn’t buy a game with commercials in it. I don’t want to pay to be advertised to. Console players already put up with some bullshit, they don’t need or deserve this crap. If it works on console, they’ll definitely be moving on to PC next. I figure on PC some

If I hear of any game doing this, I won’t play. If it invades gaming as a whole, I’ll find a better hobby. In short, it’s a terrible idea. I hope everyone involved suffers a series of embarrassing accidents that have everyone laughing in their faces for all time.

Square: We’re gonna replace these FF games.

Couldn’t agree more. I’m 39 with a family and a full-time job. Games like Sekiro look fantastic—and I did buy it and play a bunch of it—but eventually I just didn’t have enough time to master its unforgiving mechanics and gave up on exploring what was undoubtedly a very, very cool world past where I got stuck. In that

This is an extremely weird take, considering this site is how I discovered a lot of great niche games (added today - Aviary Attorney) and they cover super niche indies and underloved gems all the time. I guess you've never been to IGN, Gamespot, Destructoid, etc.