GuardDuck_Quick draw anger management

I like a description I found about the V4... "The Essex V4 is essentially the V6 with two cylinders cut off. It runs like a V6 with two plug wires missing."

The Ford Essex V4 is suddenly feeling fat and inadequate.

Prostitution is legal in Germany. Winning.

Some clubs will set up with an attached restaurant that sells booze. You just keep walking between the two places. Don't ask me how I know that.

I know, right? What a waste of money. Oh well, boys with their toys...

Yup, like Mike Ditka said, "It's easy to hide behind a microphone."

I like the whole "printed house" idea.

Phhtt! And everybody bitches about NASCAR being boring because all you do is turn left. Driving in a straight line? Dullsville!

Why, oh why, oh why do we need 45 seconds of sittin' at the traffic light to see 10 seconds of racing....that cuts off early? And 10 years for racing? Hmmm, let's see...we had a guy who molested a child for 4 years get 60 days in jail, so I guess that seems about fair.

I just like the fact that if they want another one, or maybe one that's 1/4" shorter, they just need to press a button. All those carbon fibre teams would have to make all new moulds for any changes.

The ability to print with metals has prompted the U.S. military to experiment with printing replacement parts. The theory being, if you need a water pump for a tank, instead of sending back to the depot or travelling with a huge supply convoy, you simply walk over to the parts truck and they'll print you one on the

How to survive? Money. Lots of money. There is nowhere you will go that you will be allowed to bring anything of your own. What this amounts to is that everything you need to eat or drink for the weekend you must pay 'enhanced' prices for. At the circuit you will be baking in the hot Texas sun and every time you

No, it's the contents of the driver's crushed skull blown out through the rear of the cab (I heard he was a real shit head.)

Howdy NH! I'm from way over t'other side in the Burlington area. If you see deadpedal around he's from the Upper Valley area. It was a friend's xTerra and it did pretty well for a hit on fact, the roof and everything was repaired and it's still going!

No, this is my image.

Can you drive under a moose?

Yep, what those guys said. Even though they toned back the overt sexiness in the second season it was still pretty good. The best KC episode was the baking contest where she wore the yoga pants. Definitely had to watch that episode in installments....

HA! I knew it'd start showing up. I made that up Monday night. Too bad I didn't see this article until now. Thanks for posting it :)

Maria could learn a lot about eye patches from Aunt Lily.

Just the heads?