GuardDuck_Quick draw anger management

A friend's got a "Nice marmot." sticker.

What'cha got against stickers? They're cheaper than paint! Well, the free ones are anyway...


Jalopnik bumper stickers? Is this just a consolation prize for having to deal with the impending 6.FU site upgrade? We've been begging for them for years.

Some say that this is a waste of time and resources. I say "Attend to the little things and the big things will attend to themselves." People not being ticketed for minor offenses leads to an overall air of lawlessness. At what point do you consider it to be appropriate to start enforcing the law? Not using turn

"You don't even take the bones out?'

Be sure to use a propheticylactic, dude.

Nope. That's what I wanted and no 'new' passenger cars with diesels were allowed. In fact, one guy started up a business importing used VW TDIs from out of state! They gave in around 2008, too late for me tho' :(

Diesel FJ80? So jelly. When I bought my Jeep I wanted the diesel, but those filthy, nasty, dirty diesels weren't allowed in Vermont :(

That's a Canadian Northwest Territories license plate. I looked up Canters and got a lot of info about "Buy Used Canters from Japan." That would explain the Japanese writing on the door.

I never thought I'd want a forward-control anything until I saw my first LMTV in person. This FC Jeep is just going to sprout more wild ideas in my impressionable little head.


I like to think of the old days with spark plugs in the tailpipes... nice, fluffy, FIRE BREATHING kitties!

Those aren't goats, they're kitties!

With our luck the only thing the floods will do is keep the insulation damp enough that it won't burn :(

The "I <3 ANAL" plate was not his, but the affection for semi-colons is genuine.

/modelaeroengineer ;P

Class time:

Math much? A pilot weighing 200lbs plus a seat at least double that and ejecting at a force suitable for 0/0 circumstances is a considerable force. Ad to that the fact that a delta wing aircraft has a center of gravity much further rearward than a tailed aircraft and you have that considerable force acting on a