GuardDuck_Quick draw anger management

@tonyola: For a diesel I was appalled at the mileage...a gas Honda minivan is rated for 28MPG! The big selling point of the Mahindra is the load capacity of over 2700 lbs. Standard full-size trucks like the F150 are still predominantly a 3/4 ton truck, tho' you can get overload packages. The next step up Ford

@ZB209: The best booze is the booze you recieve unexpectedly after loaning something to a friend.

I was hoping the Mahindra would be that Datsun-sized 35+ MPG compact pickup. Sadly it's a Ranger-sized 30+ MPG which still isn't that bad. Unfortunately the deal breaker for me is that it's only available with an automatic transmission...sorry, "might eventually be available."

@FordTuffMcgruff: Thanks. The funny part is I was offered this the day after it was the no.1 car in AOTD!

@FordTuffMcgruff: I know, I was just filling in blanks for those playing along at home. :) Yeah, how many TSA's are GED's? Ha!

@theSleeper: I thought you left. You said you were leaving. Wait, so did I...

@theSleeper: Maybe it was only 5 tests...or was it 30? You missed the point. Here's your facts...and it's more than your letter contains:

@FordTuffMcgruff: Drug dogs have a high degree of 'false positives' but it is usually disregarded because subsequent searches clear the subject. Bomb dogs are much more accurate, but still the theory is to fail on the side of safety and have too many positives than not enough.

@kiddicus: Steer clear of Atlanta during rush's murder.

@Flip Saunders: The problem is that tests *have* been done, but nobody wants to believe them and nobody will just go ahead and do their own tests. All this hubbub is in the same class as "cell phones cause brain cancer" and "microwave ovens cause cancer". But it's more fun to scream "government conspiracy."

@ranwhenparked: Stop trying to make sense. Where's the fun in that? If life were that easy we wouldn't have anything to bitch about! :)

@ifandbut: Somebody else mentioned that Orlando bit. I gotta read up on that tomorrow. I wonder if they're using the same methods and equipment but are just better dealing with the 'human' aspect. Dunno...we'll see tomorrow...closing time.

@ilikefree: And you actually believe the designer that tells you that big hunk of metal can FLY?! Oh, and watch out for that toaster!

@BadShane: Do you really think anybody cares what you look like? If you had one of the bodies everybody *wants* to see you should be proud of it.

@theSleeper: I read that yesterday. I understood it. Did you? Really understand it? There are precious few 'facts' in that letter and a lot of mights, maybes, and guesses. It's another document written by people who have not actually done any tests on the system. They are guessing. They come right out and say they

@Krutch: Stop it with that stupid "pilot has the plane" argument. Did you ever consider he might want to blow up a plane he's not on? Not all whacko pilots are suicidal.

@Vman455: It might not be that bad...but I wouldn't want to try it.