
Doofus, you don’t sit down to a game of ‘go fish’, slap down the race card before the first hand is dealt, stand up, push your chair back, and scream “eat that, bitch!” You wait until the dealer gets the cards out, you study the players after a few rounds, you figure out their strengths and weaknesses, THEN you reach

Go back to theroot please.

I hear they also use Comcast and Google. You should associate those things with racist Trump supporters, too.

But today’s Jalopnik is tomorrow’s Yahoo News.

It says a lot to me that you think, based on an extremely small sampling of youtuber comments that were selected because they talked about the specific topic of the article, that most people or youtubers were more upset with the loss of potential revenue than any social concerns.

Where are the tweets actually defending him, for the sake of fairness?
Why are we not criticising other youtubers, especially the black ones who use the n bomb way more often than everyone else? Cause they are black?

I’d say by the before pic with it half buried in sand and salt water that the car was already a total loss before it was run over by a truck.

Welcome to the world of gun owners.

The bottom line is Tesla did something good

Both are scams. Simple.

I sure as hell don’t appreciate processor manufacturers doing this either.

The price difference between the neutered version & the full one is a used car with the range in 1 tank to get the fuck out of Florida. And probably a full tank of gas and some jerry cans at disaster-fleecing prices.

I personally find that hilarious.

You’re crazy. Tesla should’ve given them the full capability of the car they paid for in the first place. This “PR” only works on people like you, who are already admirers of the cult.

How does restricting the battery make the car cheaper? It sounds like a base-spec model has the same battery as a high-spec model, and therefore cost the same? Unless that line of code cost $9K in man-hours to write?

Doing the same thing over and over with little to no reward and a sense of existential dread? I think Bungie has that covered this week.

You should be happy that it’ll take up less space compared to the F150.

Why are you so worried about what other people buy?

Be jealous elsewhere, if you don’t like having to look at it move out of the ‘Burbs or into a hellish HOA which does not allow driveway parking.

Oh no people will buy good cars the horror

Not your car, not your call. The fact that thousands of people do a thing does not make it appropriate. Take your own car to the drive through, Tak.

There was also noted concern about the speeds he was going, for what it’s worth.