
A long winded way to suggest everyone change their password periodically. Since it’s not a new hack, it’s as alarmist as the click-baity title seems to imply. It’s still healthy to change passwords periodically, but crying wolf all the time is not a good thing to do.

My wife is Russian. I have seen her steal my french fries. They are not to be trusted.


I know how racist it sounds, but I’m just asking: is the seller black? This hits so many black tropes it’s a stereotype.

I guess warning people about the paving was not their Forte.

Having never seen the car before, nor its driver, but several cars in my area that tick several similar styling boxes and are driven by black drivers, it’s an assumption based on experience, not racism.

I’m already taking all the heat, you probably should’ve just kept your head down.


No way...this is 100% mullet approved. I’d imagine the kind of guy who wears a homemade “support your local 81" shirt but never saw a Hell’s Angel in real life.

that hood though

Lightly used Trans Am = good.

Who peed on your dentures, gramps?

Well your hatred of Trump is fogging up the point that Obama did the same thing and the media ignored it.

So your central message is that since she’s black, she MUST agree with you? Because that seems REALLY FUCKING RACIST. It’s funny though, because you pointed something else, as a STEM grad, she has real knowledge, not a bullshit liberal arts degree like all the idiots who write for this series of blogs (and I mean

Piling on someone for being ineloquent. How very liberal.

My point, admittedly idealistic, is that this reality is not in the best interest of the people.

Saying that health care is a right, but sharing the burden of that right is a privilege, is a contradiction

Health care is a right in this country. But having someone else cover the costs, is not a right that’s a privilege. And most people get that benefit through their job.