
The vast majority of Pewdiepie’s fans are children. And children are stupid. They’re not emotionally mature enough to fully grasp nuance or context. They see Jacksepticeye criticizing his actions while also voicing support, and all they understand is “Jacksepticeye talked shit about Pewdiepie.” They can’t see how

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

i pay 70$ for my overwatch game so if i want to play widow maker with a guitar in rank ill do it

Dammit, Greg.

“Change can only happen if you sit at the table. ... If you’re not at the table, you can’t even ... suggest what we should be doing. Therefore, it was very important for me to take the meeting.”

I really enjoyed this list, Kirk. But allow me to add this to the Recommended Stories tab:

Imagine how he feels.

The fact that this Pac-Man can’t close his mouth at all bothers me immensely.

Me too.

Hearing someone shout “POWER STONE” makes me sad.



Clear solution. Get a smaller tv...

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?

Play Hyper Light Drifter.

What is 4K 1080p?

Fire Walk With Me is a fucking masterpiece.