
Spring of 1968 (and probably compiled before that), so just before My Lai, the death of King and Bobby Kennedy, just about the time Walter Cronkite was questioning the war, and before the Democratic meltdown that handed the election to Nixon. By 1970, even Paul Harvey turned against the war. I wonder who stayed on the

There's a bit of the folktale "Childe Rowland" in there too: little sister, Burd Ellen, is captured by dark faeries. Her badass older brothers go in to rescue her, but are captured themselves. "Childe" Rowland (Ripley) is the one with sufficient wit to go into the dark tower and get them all back.

Wasn't there a comic book series with the three back on Earth, Newt as a teen and Ripley and Hicks fighting the military-industrial complex as it tries to weaponize the xenomorphs?

I agree, with one caveat. A fellow sufferer observed that depression is a disease that lies to you. That's one of its symptoms.

My name is Legion, for we are many.

I'm guessing the grandchild of a drug kingpin runs for president in fifty years or so. The Forbes and the Delanos (as in Franklin D.) had uncles running opium into China.

His mama named him Annihilus, I'm going to call him Annihilus.

Support for this thread comes from the Nelson A. Rockefeller Fund.

Or Cambodia, or Operation Condor, and…

It was recorded on audio, and played on NPR. The part I still remember is Jones chanting, "Father cares…"

"Your first mistake was comin' to South Carolina without my permission!"

No love for Martini Baton or Jesus' Critters?

It was a Chris Rock bit, "If Clarence Thomas looked like Denzel Washington."

If you tilt it just right, I swear you can see everything.

Add A Delicate Truth.

They used to call that a Rubirosa.

Make that two hard boiled eggs.

Ah, the Nantucket reach-around.

Jenny Seagrove would be my favorite mermaid. Don't forget Miranda in 1948 and the selkies inThe Secret of Roan Inish.