False. I can watch NBA players lazily walk up and down the court without playing defense every week during the regular season.
False. I can watch NBA players lazily walk up and down the court without playing defense every week during the regular season.
I read it as a joke that landed flat. Basically saying that no overtime in the Cup playoffs will beat that NBA playoffs overtime.
The best overtime game of the Stanley Cup Playoffs was the Denver-Portland game Friday night.
Keep triggering those libs, Baracka. I mean it.
I propose the belief that gun laws are impossible so we shouldn’t even try is related to what’s “deeply wrong with Americans.”
Thought this was going to be a classic Blues disappointment: outplay and still manage to lose. Still can’t believe they won. Still can’t believe they didn’t lose.
He lost money on casinos, football and vodka. In America.
It takes a special kind of moron to lose money in America trying to sell steaks, booze, gambling, and football.
The top post of the past week on the Anthem subreddit is titled "Can we all just agree that Anthem is dead?" with 8k+ upvotes, so I think it's safe to say people are admitting it.
The moral relativism of your statement is self-defeating and weak. It is just as detestable as the stupid and weak argument that not impeaching Trump is bad politics.
After they ran out of material to pull from it became an idiot plot pieced together haphazardly for the purpose of moving perfunctorily from “cool setpiece” to “cool setpiece.” Completely lost the narrative thread that kept people hooked from the beginning.
She reminds me of everyone’s favorite teacher that’s their favorite because they actually challenged and engaged students rather than just being lazy.
Warren’s calling it like it is. I like it. I don’t know why she’s not the clear front-runner right now—besides the obvious reason that she’s a woman with the experience and vision to do a good job—but she absolutely should be. I’m still willing to be swayed during this primary, but I like Warren. I think she’d do a…
Personally, I don’t mind this change at all. Mostly because I haven’t bothered logging into the game since before they were added.
I really, really hope Anthem is the tipping point for live-service games going away (or at least not being as grindy, predatory, or incomplete experiences).
Westeros already has its A-Team
All these plot points are bullshit.
“...the closest Starbucks to the Winterfell set is a 27 minute drive.”
“The ruling also demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of sexually predatory behavior.”
They already knew that he had impregnated a 14 year old girl and they gave him a job teaching children? WTF?