
I guess I better keep quiet about how I love games that have grind in them (WoW, Borderlands, Diablo, PoE, Destiny, etc). Already got yelled at once today for being on someone's lawn =/.

We broke our Starbucks addiction about 5 or 6 years ago when we found Klatch Roasting. Never ordered from anyone since then. Their coffee is nothing like the oily, burned, gross road tar beans that Starbucks keeps bagging and selling to the masses.

Same. Wife and I were excited for the coop game. Not paying $40 each for a mode that gets updated 1/10 of what the free battle royale mode gets.

Great thing is, if you look at this administration like the movie “Looper,” you can see the tire tread marks forming on his face and back as Trump throws him under the bus in the future.

My wife and all but one of her colleagues have agreed to walk out the day the district, the state legislature, (or the federal gov), decides to arm teachers. Word around her district and three surrounding districts (which make up the majority of schools in the state) is that pretty much everyone plans to do the same.

This. Reloaded my gaming rig after 6 years, finally installing ssd drives (was going to get them two years ago but happened to snag a 1080gtx for $400! Couldn’t pass that up, then basement flooded, and just now could grab a couple Evo ssd drives for cheap).

You say that, but until you actually do create something of artistic value that is copyrighted that generates income for your family... You might have, I don’t know, but my copyrighted material puts food on our table and keeps the lights on and pays the mortgage and allows us to have a comfortable life (not a wealthy

So far, that's exactly what it seems to be. A new raid coming next week, and... Not much else. Worse, you can now buy mods for weapons and armor easier, but only from ada-1, and only if you bought the season pass. So if you don't have the season pass, you're forever stuck almost never being able to buy a mod (unless

Same for wife and I. Still having fun with Forsaken, but we're going to pass on this for the time being.

You shouldn't really call this an expansion. It's more of a light content drop. Not worth it to us but to each their own.

As a copyright holder of 31 individual works, no. This is terrible. Life + 75 years means my family and their kids will reap the benefits of my hard work for a long time, and I am 100% onboard with this.

I’m somewhat hardcore with 3x 600 characters, wife is as well, and we’re going to pass on this until summer 2019 when it’s on discount. Not enough content and locking it behind an all-or-nothing wall means we’ll spend the $60 on RDR or 2x $30 Coop games once we finish up our Forsaken triumphs and such.

No, it is not a clear implication.

Still waiting on a meatball, but Thunderlord absolutely DESTROYS mobs in gambit hehe. Getting ammo for it... Well, that’s a bit tricky, but I czn usually snag it off the wall just as blockers are spawning, and it makes quick work of them so teammates can deposit motes.

Never played D1 (pc gamer only), so had to look up a few things to see why everyone was shitting themselves with joy over the last quest (besides the killer weapon, and it truly kicks major ass).

Tip: if you’re into lore / triumphs, make sure you don’t leave the final area until you’ve scanned all 5 things with your ghost. I bailed on the first character I used, then saw a reddit post that details the stuff you can scan. Doing it on another character now.

Though only Devlin and Phillips were investigated in the article, all three Republican judges in Harris County lost their seats to Republicans yesterday.”

This. I was overwhelmed at the beginning too. Play through the star chart and you’ll pick up quite a bit, and players are generally helpful as well.

I hope he loses and gets exiled to San Fransisco.

Update - 13 have been put on administrative leave.