This. I was overwhelmed at the beginning too. Play through the star chart and you’ll pick up quite a bit, and players are generally helpful as well.
This. I was overwhelmed at the beginning too. Play through the star chart and you’ll pick up quite a bit, and players are generally helpful as well.
I hope he loses and gets exiled to San Fransisco.
Update - 13 have been put on administrative leave.
Haha yeah, just came from reddit. It's a bloodbath over there. Path of Exile getting a lot of love thanks to it and a fun url that redirects to poe ;).
9 year player here (my subs are not currently active and I haven’t played in 2 years). When I first started in Eve, wife and friends and I made a Corp. Immediately (within 3 days) got a wardec (declaration of war) on us.
Bought it on the 16th when Forsaken included S1 dlc and was on sale for $34. Definitely worth it now. Wife and I plan to veg out all weekend when not watching “Making of a Murderer 2" on Netflix.
Came to say this. Wife and I quit last November from boredom and anger. Just bought Forsaken since they included S1 dlc. Played both CoO and Warmind, and both are good, but nowhere near the $20/each asking price. Just started Forsaken content. We're hoping to find some others on pc to finally do some raiding.
Still need to beat the main story. Got sidetracked by Gwent and you know how that goes...
If you were convicted in FL and successfully completed your probation / parole and now live in another state, chances are you are eligible to vote. My wife just helped someone register to vote in our state who finished his probation 22 years ago (and has been a resident of this state for 19 years). She called the Sec…
Same. Bought ours the first Xmas they were available, wife played a few hours of dragon age, and since then, it has been used maybe 30 hours as a Netflix box. Dragon Age is still the only game that has ever been played on it.
My wife just helped a friend convicted of a felony in FL 25 years ago register to vote for the first time in 25 years. She called the Secretary of State’s office here and got confirmation that this person is eligible to vote because he had successfully completed probation / parole 22 years ago, so he qualifies under…
Or maybe you don’t want to address the issue that she told a therapist and her husband in session about this in 2012, which the notes from that session confirm.
She’s one of about half a dozen batshit crazy opinion writers for wapo that are paid to spew outright lies or the dumbest of dumb takes. I keep getting surveys from wapo asking about why I quit subscribing or what I want to see in their digital rag.
You don’t have to play the 2 DLC, but you have to buy them. It’s listed as a requirement to play Forsaken on the official page. That’s $20 (or 2x20 if you buy them separately) on top of the $40 for Forsaken. So not having to play them is fine, but having to buy them just to play Forsaken is an extra $20 I refuse to…
The tweet I wrote when the wife of a US Attorney made the symbol on CSPAN is my all-time most viewed/liked/responded to tweet I’ve ever sent. The amount of gaslighting and ignorance from white people choking on their own racism to reply in the defense of this shit did not surprise me.
I’m willing to pony up the $40 for Forsaken, but still not willing to spend another $20 on top of that for the 2 DLC required from season 1. So I'll continue to sit on the sidelines until I can get it all for $40. Bungie burned me once too many times already.
Trying the new Delve league in Path of Exile between binge sessions of rewatching Narcos. Maybe a few coop Checkpoint games in Insurgency Sandstorm as well.
The major problem I had with Rebel Galaxy was the broadside combat. I loved absolutely everything else about the game, but never finished it because I just couldn't deal with the combat view. Hoping this is the new Freelancer.
At least he's not a Todd. Todds are the worst.
My former best friend for most of my life became “former” after being told, repeatedly, to stop hugging my wife with what she calls “the boob hug.”