I didn’t experience sexual abuse, but my mother was a 400+ pound toothless monster who terrorized me with physical, mental, and emotional abuse until I ran away at age 13.
I didn’t experience sexual abuse, but my mother was a 400+ pound toothless monster who terrorized me with physical, mental, and emotional abuse until I ran away at age 13.
I respectfully disagree with everything you said. I’ve been playing WF for years off and on (super ultra ON right now). I’ve barely spent a dime on the mtx currency (platinum). I only buy it when I get a rare 75% off discount coupon. I trade for it by selling rare/valuable/in-demand items (mods, Prime parts or…
I’ve played so much Path of Exile over the years that I can’t even look at it anymore (but I’ll go back to it at some point, I always do!).
I haven’t been able to vote for 25 years thanks to Florida (and because I was stupid at age 19).
I think you’re missing the point that this isn’t our current universe/time. This is a darker future (or present) universe, so it’s not a stretch to believe that an EC can do the things it does in the episode.
Absolutely LOVE Black Mirror because it is generally so dark, bitter (White Bear still haunts me).
I was afraid he’d whip out that six-shooter and accidentally murder his horse (then blame it on Jones, homos, coloreds, and liberals).
Score one for “Satan” for tempting this sinner to do the right thing and remove himself from humanity.
Just got a refund for D2 (for me and my wife). Waited years to play this game on PC. It’s been nothing but a shit show since release, and locking content we already paid for behind a DLC paywall was the last straw (of very, very, very many).
So... still no text chat for local/zone/clan on PC.
You can say “they’re not” all you want, but it won’t make it true.
Add into this the fact that players were buying Fireteam Medallions with real money from the EV store to get 25% extra XP boost and you can understand why there’s a massive rage against Bungie at this time. Getting +25% XP on 4% (scaled down) = very fucking rage-y.
Not a new release, but wife and I are currently playing the hell out of Dying Light: The Following. It’s like Borderlands meets Left 4 Dead 2 meets Far Cry. The Following expansion is basically a massive add-on (almost entirely new game but is integrated with the base game), and I guess the devs are releasing 10 new…
I waited years to play Destiny (only play FPS games on PC with mouse/kb), and was excited to finally play D2 with my wife.
So, just went to buy the 34" ultra-wide for $214.99 (listed on the Black Friday deals page linked from here):
So, just went to buy the 34" ultra-wide for $214.99 (listed on the Black Friday deals page linked from here):
Go read the actual thread(s) at Reddit as you don’t seem to have a grasp of what the problem is or why we players are severely pissed off.
Same. Wife and I are already done. Bought Dying Light on sale and we’re having a blast.
It’s NOT just “cosmetic shit” though. The fireteam medallions (XP / loot boosts) are also for sale in the EV store, and as has been pointed out in the Reddit discussions, even with a medallion active, the XP gains are restricted. Which is, as some say, fraud (customers buy “silver” then spend it on fireteam medallions…
Neither of these are IPS panels and both are 60Hz instead of 144Hz.
Neither of these are IPS panels and both are 60Hz instead of 144Hz.
For an astounding amount of published sci-fi authors (myself included), this book is considered “The Bible.” It was far ahead of its time (much like “Neuromancer” by William Gibson) when it was published. It’s not very long, is fairly dark and a bit depressing, but overall, it’s an amazing story.
For an astounding amount of published sci-fi authors (myself included), this book is considered “The Bible.” It was…