
I preferred to relax to CARMAGEDDON.  Plenty of non-competitive game features, like exploding pedestrians and splatter bonus.

An expert in the field once told me that there is always salmonella in chicken.

This is simply brilliant. I WILL do this.

I don’t understand why auto mechanics aren’t tipped. Your barista has never had stitches, lost a tooth, or shattered an elbow for your latte. An hour of service may cost you $150, but the mechanic gets like $15 of that. Bring in a rusty hulk that takes 5 times longer to fix and the mechanic doesn’t get paid any extra

I think you’d better do what he says.

I’d rather have a biometric lock box, which already exists.

Almost looks photoshopped.

I’m gonna have to wait until I get home from work to watch these so I don’t mess up my clothes.

The contract can say anything, but that doesn’t make it legal. This is breach of contract, not theft. Breach of contract brings damages, not criminal charges.

You can’t outrun a police radio. The only hope is to blend in.

I love the “H2" logo on the skid plate stamping. Like that’s the last thing you’ll see as it runs you over.

I don’t listen to podcasts.”

When you make a political statement of any kind, half of people are going to like it and half are going to be offended by it. So if you want people to watch your movies, buy your albums, or visit your website, it’s best to just avoid the topic altogether.

My minivan has an Acura NSX engine.

Legislating inventions gave us the automotive malaise era.  People want electric cars, and they’re coming.  Let it happen.  A couple years will make zero difference to the planet earth.

Sure glad my new $1 million supercar is easy on gas.  Every time gas is over $5/gal I have to leave my Aventador at home and ride the bus.

It’s too easy to get/keep a drivers license in the U.S.  The standards should be raised.  And there should be substantial penalties for being the cause of a crash.  

When I was young and dumb, I almost bought a VW based GT40 kit car. It looked so cool! But it was still basically a Volkswagen Bug and I would have hated driving it.

Now playing

Startup is the hardest on a turbine engine, which could explain why the length of a flight isn’t taken into consideration.