Angry Barista

I don't think a lot of Hollywood actors have the chops to be in theater. It's definitely a different world where acting is more heavily emphasized than how cute you look in a two piece.

My ADHD gets bored 1/16th of the way through. Does anyone ever finish a picture?

We all joked about this, but it's great someone actually quantified it. I love data geeks.

Everything isn't for everyone? I read the Coco puffs book and like it ok, read Owl and it was fine. They have their moments. I'm interested now that someone else said he sounds like Comic Book guy to hear a clip. I don't fall all over myself to get his books, but if it's $1 at my favorite "buy/rent/trade" book store

I was 17 or 18 when I picked up the book at the airport, curious to what a Nobel Prize nominee or winner or whateverthefuck was like. I tried to get through it, but was constantly put off by Egger's protagonist. I don't know if it was the mental state I was in at the time or what, but it seemed he was