Sure. But for someone like Angelina Jolie, who has really done a lot of actual work, including writing and directing a film about Bosnia, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
Sure. But for someone like Angelina Jolie, who has really done a lot of actual work, including writing and directing a film about Bosnia, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
I was going to post “cue someone for snarking on a celebrity for trying to do a good thing, even when they, unlike most celebrities, take the time to educate themselves about their pet issue and devote serious time and effort to it.”
Fair enough. She isn’t specific but having women, have a greater voice on the issues women face is a solution. It’s a terribly obvious one that often doesn’t occur.
I am still convinced that the whole 50 Shades popularity is a giant, elaborate prank that will someday be revealed and nobody really read this shit. It’s how I keep from drinking.
She does not live, nor is she from South Africa. She will be most useful in swaying funds from her rich friends and shining a big old light on this problem. Were Joile to start creating policy it would likely reek of white saviorism.
Most scriptwriters go through what Marcel went through. Every great screenwriter has had there work shit upon by the Hollywood process.(Non great screenwriters however, tend to do very well: see Thomas Lennon’s work).
While reminding yourself that Bret Easton Ellis exists is never a pleasant experience. This.
I legit did this once. Teacher got fired. The end.
Me too. Although it might be because as a non-ethnic minority, I’ve had to put up with different levels of this my whole life. I don’t even go I’M A MINORITY REPRESENT 24/7.
If I were in that class I would have stood up and told her to fuck right off. Unless she knew the intimate details of student’s upbringing then she doesn’t know shit about what experiences the student shares.
What? There’s tons of proof that she claimed to be black. She gave interviews about the discrimination her black father faced (completely fabicated—her father is white) and about the discrimination she faced because of the color of her skin as a child in South Africa (also completely fabricated—not only was she a…
Yes! I had someone trying to tell me this wasn’t any different than when a light-skinned black person passes as white. No, that’s not the same, that’s not even remotely the same.
i refuse to believe in sexual assault until LITERALLY EVERY WOMAN ON EARTH TAKES A SURVEY
oh also um something something regret sex!
“What the fuck have we been telling you?”
She couldn’t just be a supportive ally. No, homegirl had to be the center of attention.
I find it very... weird how eager her parents are to do interviews and stuff
“domestic black.”
Rachel Dolezal’s white biological parents appeared on HuffPost Live this afternoon for an interview that was both…
See this makes me wonder, was she ever trying to pass? Or did she just hang around Black people for long enough that people just started assuming she was Black and she never bothered to correct them?
We need a Lifetime movie to sort this hot-ass mess out. I suggest casting Emma Stone, she’s the only actress who could…