
I found I had the least amount of success in quitting the more people I told. I quit for over a year and no one knew about it. But it seems like the more ‘support’ I get, the less likely I am to stick with it. Maybe the fear of failure? I’m going to crash and burn anyways so I might as well light up again, it’s all

The best part of this story is that even Kate Moss flies EasyJet.

the fact that there is a French tabloid just called “Oops!” is pretty much the greatest thing in the world.

If Kate Moss called me a basic bitch I’d get it emblazoned on a t-shirt and proudly tell everyone the back story at every opportunity.

Honestly... as a theatrical myself, it’s not so much her beauty as it is her utter badassery and complete disregard for all her “ageist” critics.


I hate to harp on this, but she has a brilliant plastic surgeon: Natural and lovely. Hey she's a public figure and she can afford it! Shit, after what the world puts us dames through every freakin day we should all get some gratis. Sorry, this is My thing. Aging is, I really believe, beautiful. But I lost a lot of

I agree with Seinfeld and I don’t. None of of my favorite comedians or comedies could be considered totally P.C., and I think it’s very hard to be truly funny when you’re unwilling to take risks that might shock or offend someone. And I also agree that there’s a certain type of thinking that responds to politically

Nope. Success =/= merit. Adam Carolla is also a successful comedian and he’s easily one of the biggest assholes in the world who not only would agree that political correctness is killing comedy, but that other races are better than African Americans.

Firstly, yes this is totally true. Whether it’s true is a seperate question from whether or not it’s a good or a bad thing. But it’s true.

Even though you whittled down the reach of your comments with the repetition of “specifically,” posters will still think you made a gross generalization. That’s my bet. And it is those posters who are killing comedy. Also, I agree with you.

TBH I don’t disagree with Jerry Seinfeld. I don’t think what he’s referencing is “killing” comedy (that’s an overdramatic characterization; if it was, then why do comedy movies draw millions, comedy TV shows draw millions, comedy specials draw millions?), but I think a specific type of collegiate thinking is creating

Very slowly, over time, cigarettes have taken on an increasingly foul taste. I still crave one here and there, but the 1/4 that I can gag down abuses me of the impulse for ages afterward.

I like to add some thc e-liquid too! Best of worlds!

Females need encouragement.

Curious as to how the butthurt MRA dudes will spin this into their “feminists are ruining all the moviez!” narrative.

The first time I quit (for about a year) I used an e-cig. It was great because I mostly smoke in my car, and needed something to hold/stick in my mouth during long rides. Once it ran out, I wasn’t craving smokes anymore and got through the rest of the year just fine. Might need to look into that again.

Well, it never really sucked, for me. For reasons I don’t even know, over the course of some years, I gradually smoked less and less. Went from about a pack a day to maybe ten a day, to maybe five a day, to maybe a pack a week, to maybe ten a week, to maybe five a week...

Well, I have some hardcore addicts/alcoholics in my family so I know it’s nothing to underestimate. My own sugar jones, while not terribly unhealthy, is wicked and always has been. And my sister loved smoking the way we both love sugar and sugary things, so... it was no joke. The wistfulness she still has when talking

I smoked probably a whole pack of cigarettes through my second pregnancy. I would get in the car and park behind a strip mall and sneak one every now and again. And you can call me trash if you want, but that was the only time I wasn’t being bullied and abused. I was 20, married to a monster, a baby under one and