oh, I see now in your above comment that you said the commentator was a member of the majority. . . did she identify as white? If so, I would also like to call out her argument as bullshit.
oh, I see now in your above comment that you said the commentator was a member of the majority. . . did she identify as white? If so, I would also like to call out her argument as bullshit.
Oh no, I think we have a misunderstanding? I love WonderWomanist’s comments. . . and have been reading them frequently. As well as keeping up to date with this story. I am really aware (as aware as a white person could be, which is not at all 100%) of just how reprehensible Dolezal’s actions were. Like, I think she’s…
I’m generally more outraged about people’s responses to what Dolezal did. . . .I think a lot (not all) of the responses betray a lot of ignorance, as well as a lot of privilege.
I wonder if it is inappropriate to ask underthetimgunn if he/she is a POC or a white person? I honestly wanted to ask this question, but felt that it might be terribly offensive. . . . so, I am wondering if others have an opinion. Normally, I do not want to say that a person’s race/ethnicity will affect my opinion of…
First—just so you know, The 1/5 stat, that has actually been fairly well replicated, usually encompasses rape by “force,” facilitated sexual assault, as well as attempted rape. I haven’t looked at this particular study yet. . . but that’s what other studies have found.
You are my favorite human right now.
I can’t remember why . . . . .but I remember hating Closer. Now I’m curious about why I hated it so much. So now I am torn between watching a movie that I know I hated in order to re-experience that hate and, you know, doing something I actually want to do. THANKS EL JAMES.
Oh my god is Kreacher > Dobby REALLY an argument you are prepared to make?
Ima gonna let Buffy take this one for me
Okay, while I was never on the side of “we should sympathize with her”—I was always on the side of “what she did was despicable,” while holding a small amount of tiny tiny sympathy for her because she must be completely 100% insane, and, like, sometimes I even feel bad for murderers, if they have a bad background. . .…
Angry White Commenter here. . . . not at you. . . . at other white commenters.
Holy shit, this made me laugh out loud. For the effing win.
I almost think I am getting as outraged by people’s reactions as I am by her actions (not saying the reactions are as bad as what she did)
yes, I completely agree. because she could slip and slide away from her own privileged position and then claim the discrimination that others had faced as her own.
What IS this???
I tend to both agree and disagree with you. . . . Don’t get me wrong, on the disagreement side, it’s not that I think her actions deserve any sympathy. I more agree than disagree. It’s more I think she’s seriously mentally ill and that makes me feel a teensy tiny bit sorry for her sometimes???? (for the record though,…
Oh, there’s lots and lots of proof. . . .which others have pointed out. Like, her lecture on the history of “our hair” in America.
Oh no, you’re fine! I actually realized that after I posted it, then couldn’t change it. . . .Not pedantic at all!
Yes, we do. . . .but it’s not the same. . . for a lot of reasons. . .