
I came in a bit late too, but here’s what I’ve gathered:

christ on a stick, they’re so fucking childish. i’m taking a weekend off, need to feel happy again.

The Geithner post blew this place to pieces. It’s the reason for the childish posts over on Gawker right now about the cat, and the link they tossed in at the end of the wild fire story. What a mess.

Seems like a lot of people are jumping ship. I admire their conviction but I just love this commenter community so much I’d be pretty upset if that fell apart because of this.

This is super crazy.

She got banned, other people got banned, comments were being removed left and right - this has been a total shitshow. Despite being gray, I’ve been here since 2007 (back when you had to audition to be a commenter, had a star and everything!), and I’ve seen some crap go down around the Gawker universe, but this has by

Please. NVC should be fired, clearly. It’s time to clean house and get rid of everyone who either a) wrote the piece, b) edited the piece, c) approved the piece, or d) defended the hitpiece.

NVC should be fired. How can someone holding that stance represent Jezebel?

Well it clearly *wasn’t* ethical, aside from being hypocritical and morally repugnant. For the author of the above story to back it while posting this reeks of hypocrisy.

“Like high school” is the perfect description.

Yeah that’s fucking awful. It sucks too because honestly, Jezebel commenters have taught me a LOT over the years I’ve been reading this site. Lots of stuff I didn’t know or understand about race, feminism, transgender issues/gender identity, the list goes on. So I’m upset that the authors would take such an

I had that feeling. While the other Jezzie bloggers here have been remarkably silent, I imagine they don’t really like Gawker’s latest homophobic attacks. Speaking out against them would put their careers at risk.

Didn't she call another woman she contacted for a story a bitch nonchalantly as if the other woman would be toteZ cool with it?

Natasha is a uniquely unpleasant presence on Jezebel.

Is that why I’m grayed? Wow. Hm.

I thought it was because I wrote that letter complaining about Jordan Sargent's lack of journalism.

The thing is Jezebel has done worse stuff then the Gawker piece. Like posting images of a woman being raped. That has got to be the worst thing posted on any of the Gawker sites and Jezebel never apologized for it. Natasha is also the person that posted the sony execs Amazon wish or shopping list on Jezebel so I don’t

Tatiana Maslany diserves all the emmy nominations. All of them.

I’m wondering how Natasha Vargas Cooper can justify being a sociopath.

So I just looked and responses/stars on my comments are still listed in my notifications but when I click on it, it takes me to the old thread but once I click on “all replies” the thread suddenly disappears. So maybe they “hid” it instead of deleting it? I’m not sure how that works from the administrator side, or if

So you’re saying it’s okay to be racist as long as you’re acting under the guise of a comedian?