
that’s what I thought. . . .this person is just trolling in a weird way.

Oh thanks :) this made me smile. . . . I like to comment on the issues that I really care about here. . . .and discrimination against ANYONE is something I really, really care about. . . .and I hate it when I say something that is either 1) ignorant, or 2) not-the-right-tone/lacking-necessary-nuance (as was the above

Hi there, I don’t think that the comment she made here, implies what the author thinks it is implying:

I agree. I shouldn’t have said, “kinda problematic”—I should have just said “problematic.” I apologize for this. I should have been more thoughtful in wording. I think I went towards “kinda” because she wasn’t saying it with the intention of being derogatory (i.e. with the intention of calling someone a “dyke”). If

Do you think that some people who want to mock conversations about transgender rights pull this kind of crap? I’m genuinely curious about how trolls work. . . . and, I agree, the sort of airy mystery surrounding the OP’s comments imply, at least to some extent, “not-actually-caring” and “just-wanting-to-be-annoying. .

They are asking you for a citation/source. Which is different from point out the obvious. Not everyone is aware of everything that JLaw has ever said about everything. Which is why a source/citation/link/SOMETHING is what people seem to be genuinely curious about.

Since the OP is being so freaking mysterious (while also insinuating that those who don’t what the hell he/she is talking about), you can read a list of “problematic” things JLaw has done at this website. Some are kinda problematic, like the time when she was 20 years old and described herself as “dykey.” Most are

Say what you will about her, but Kim Kardashian is drop dead gorgeous. . . .

Is Gone Girl good? I didn’t like the book much. . . .Gillian Flynn’s characters are all so cold. . . .Is the movie any better?

Yes, I realize that. I had originally written “objectively unfunny,” then deleted the “objectively.” I think, just like art, there is no prescriptive standard for what is funny/unfunny. . . .but, personally, I think there is a trend for unfunniness to ensue when you are not a member or close to the group of people you

I haven’t honestly seen that much of her show. . . . I watch clips now and again and feel like she would be better off ending them three minutes earlier. . . .like the young starlet clip. . . . it started out amusing and then just got. . . I don’t know. . . tired? For me, at least.

I feel like she takes her acts too far. . . .not “too far” in the sense of “too subversive”. . . but too far in the sense that they go on for too long and become unfunny. . . .a la Family Guy.

I didn’t know she apologized! If she did, and people generally recognized that it was NOT OKAY, then I might start being less mad about it. . . . .I really hate it when people make offensive + Unfunny jokes and are then like, “I’m just being edgy.”

Am I the only one who thinks Amy Schumer is overrated?

Here’s a thought! Why don’t they hire a woman who actually knows something about sexual assault? So we wouldn’t have to hear, at least once a year, that someone on the view said “rape rape” or “being a victim is lazy” or the “80’s were tough for everyone.” the idea that ANY woman is watching this show and digesting

Oh my god, this is AWFUL. I’m white and I think it’s a great idea to take a good hard look at how we view race in America, and an equally good idea to address how we discuss racism, why white people are afraid to discuss racism, how our position of privilege allows us to be afraid and to just not talk about it, etc,

Why do people hate Ariana Grande? I have no idea who she is outside of this site. But it seems like people really hate her. I want to know if I should also dislike her and I don’t want to do internet research. . . . .

That’s awesome! Squirrels are hilarious. I love them. Especially their perpetually grumpy demeanor.

Sometimes the world, internet, news, is too much :) Makes me feisty and flabbergasted. And angry. JUST LIKE THIS SQUIRREL!

Let’s be honest, nothing you say is true.