
She’s also anti-smart.

I have doubts about her moral compass. She’s willing to ignore human rights violations (Russia) and sexual assault accusations (Assange), as long as the accused give her attention.

Poor Jennifer Anniston. Yes, I realized she is rich and beautiful and has a better life than basically everyone. But, at the same time, I’ve always felt awful for her that she cannot escape the narrative of her ex-husband. That’s gotta suck.

My main beef with Stein is that she is not intellectually or morally honest.

Ross Perot’s effect on the 1992 race is debatable***. . .Exit polls showed him pulling support from both Bush and Clinton—in fact most analyses suggest he didn’t spoil the race for the GOP. Importantly, his supporters also tended to be socially moderate. Given this final point—that Perot’s base was quite moderate in

Yep, they’re terrifying the shit out of me too. . . . .It’s like 2000 all over again with the false equivalencies (though worse). I’m starting to think you had to be around voting age in 2000 to get that just 4 years of a truly bad president is enough to really fuck over the country and the world. I was 16 then, and

We should be worried—but not necessarily by that poll. It’s got a big in house effect for Trump. . . . . Also? Here’s the NYTimes pollster’s take on the recent poll results, showing a big change in Trump’s support with black voters:

I just read a poll that says Trumps numbers have gone up around 17% in the past week—AMONG BLACK PEOPLE.

I’ll be happy about this when someone can show me that Nashville doesn’t already have citation disparities when it comes to, say, traffic violations.

Particularly b/c we’re scrutinizing her facial expressions after her dad died.

That is the best solution by any measure. 

I’m not sure what you are saying here. . . .I wasn’t just talking about budget priorities. I was talking about the role of government in ensuring civil liberties. . . . .Gary Johnson is definitely against discrimination and pro-choice, etc. But his “solutions” for targeting discrimination and ensuring choice,

Let’s not act as if there are any sensible solutions when it comes to Syria--particularly if our main consideration is the suffering of the Syrian people.

It is actually exactly like that. . . . Third, fourth, or fifth parties are inevitably spoilers in most electoral systems (not rank-voting systems)--and, historically, this has led to either longterm control of centrist-right candidates in countries that are generally much more progressive than center-right (Canada

I actually really like Bill Weld and Gary Johnson. I would not threaten to move to Canada if either were elected--and I do think they are competent. I have no real interest in trashing Gary Johnson himself--he seems like a decent person (unlike Jill Stein, who I align with more politically, but who, in my opinion, is

Extremely well-said. One thing that I am finding *particularly* frustrating recently is the sheer number of ex-Berners who are currently on the Gary Johnson train.

This is untrue. Of course we will never know how things would have turned out if Nader hadn’t run, how people would have voted, etc. But, several academic studies have been done on the data—and the consensus is that Nader had a spoiler effect. Usually our focus is limited to Florida—and, if we JUST look at Florida, we

I don’t think it has to be seen as shaming of third party voters.

I don’t get all the hand wringing - see it or don’t.