
You managed to make a comment that was logically vacuous even more inane. Person points out problem. You point out that the person cannot single-handedly solve the problem. Ergo let’s not address the problem.

It’s kind of hilarious because this commenter is all IF YOU TAKE MY GUNS YOU TAKE MY FREEDOM, and mocking the failure of gun control legislation to pass through congress, when, in fact, the majority of Americans support stricter gun control, and the reason gun control legislation can’t get anywhere is because of the

I can’t believe they let this person fight in our military.

They let this person in the army? Who is rambling on about a civil war w/ the federal government over the right to own assault weapons? I realize we’re in hard times, but wish the army could do a little better at their vetting process. . . . .

I cannot believe that commenter is calling you fallacious. Given their original comment is too inane to even be evaluated for any level of logical cohesion.

Someone suggests a broad-scale societal problem exists. You counter with the excellent point that the individual who pointed out the societal problem cannot SINGLE-HANDEDLY solve the problem. Therefore, problem cannot be addressed.

I. I. I. just can’t. This is miraculous. Thank you.

I don’t have knives living in my vagina, but they do grow there sometimes, usually when men talk about reading Ayn Rand.

I am so sorry for you and your family. What an awful violation. I am so, so sorry.

That’s not particularly relevant to my point. You’ve pointed out a property that’s true of millions of Americans (the vast majority): Religious affiliation. You’ve used a term that refers to way too many people to draw any conclusions and/or determine any categorizations. Like, literally, it’s just dumb. BTW,

IF it was related to religion (which we don’t know), I think it’s better to phrase it as “religious extremism”—particularly given all of the anti-muslim rhetoric being thrown around these days. Identifying “religion” as the cause just further marginalizes muslim americans.


I am so speechless. I am so sorry for anyone who was there, who was hurt, who was not hurt. I am so sorry for all of the people who have had to struggle so much, and who have had this place, this place that helped them, so terribly violated. It is nothing short of heartbreaking. I work with children with disabilities.

Hell, shooting up a church wasn’t enough either. Fucking christ.

And is it true that it is a medical facility for individuals with developmental disabilities? Jesus fucking christ

OH, god, I can’t believe that I forgot that! How damning. Oh, and let’s not forget he was friends with a young woman who spoke a dialect of English that is different from the dialect that MidWestern White People speak. Let us not believe a word she ever said.

Neither she nor Martin Luther King (nor many others) are frequently cited as the strategic freaking geniuses that they were. I think it’s another way of “white-washing” the history. A lot of planning went into their actions and their decisions to stage specific protests. It’s like the gentle spirit of Rosa

Unfortunately, he is a moderate compared to every single other GOP candidate. It’s terrifying. If someone has an abysmal record on women’s rights these days, but doesn’t want to completely restructure social security and hunt down every immigrant, they’re a moderate.

And, don’t forget, Trayvon Martin smoked pot!!!

It’s the stupidest shit. (Although it makes me happy that Ted Cruz is shooting himself in the foot, after trolling Donald Trump for months, lying in slimy-wait for Trump’s voters to come his angry-little-troll way)