
So, simply the fact that a black woman writes shows with other black women as protagonists is enough reason to watch those shows

A lot of people are talking about how we shouldn’t care about this.

More stars for you!

She wrote it after the storm. The beginning part of the entry, “Saturday August 28th,” is part of her memory, like, she is saying that on the 28th, the day before the levees broke, she was thinking about all of these other things. The 28th is not the day she made the entry.

Has Miley Cyrus ever given ANY response to the fact that a lot of people were pissed over her blatant appropriation of black culture AND objectification of woc? Or does she only think it’s because she’s wild and sassy?

she’s been out of the greys for a really long time. And is one of the most vicious commenters out there. She’s said really toxic stuff, doesn’t read people’s responses to her comments before responding even more cruelly, etc. . . .but not really a “troll” in the standard sense.


I think we can judge that person for being kinda racist and/or sexist. Just like we could for any of their other shitty racist/sexist behavior. I think we can judge them as dumb, gross, etc. But, not restrict their right to an abortion for any reason.

Yep. And after the child turns 18, his/her ability to receive government services won’t be rescinded if he/she scores 71, rather than 70, on a standardized IQ measure.

any recommendations for fun, feminist websites apart from Jezebel?

This season, there’s a deaf model whom Tyra teaches how to do sign language in a sexier way. “Oh my God, Nyle, that’s so not sexy,” she says, before approaching him to demonstrate in episode one, well-intentioned and poorly executed as usual. “Do you know what I’m saying? Like, sex, Nyle.”

As WonderWomanist points out, she does a lot of charity work. . .large donations. . . but also things like establishing a charity to help individuals transition to new housing after Katrina. A ton of her charity work has focused on helping young children and women get food, health care, and education.

Is anyone else eeked out by how much more upset Josh Duggar seems to be in this apology about shitty, but consensual!, behavior than, um, how he reacted that one time that it came out that he was a child molester?

Hey ladies! Got any UTI info?


I was about to say that skinny shaming doesn’t exist. That’s not, in fact, true. I’ve been skinny shamed. But, for the handful of times I was told to eat a cookie, I had plenty more people ask me, “What’s your DIET? I want to lose weight!” (My “diet” was anorexia).

Indeed. I hate this hypocrisy.

This needs more stars. All the stars.

Also, there is plenty of evidence that trans inmates are treated differently by staff in both state and federal prisons. Whereas about 2.4% of ALL inmates experience sexual misconduct from staff members, trans inmates report experiencing sexual misconduct at a much higher rate:

I don’t know if this person is worth your intellectual empathy. Everything he/she has said indicates that he/she does not understand that you are arguing from a stance of prison reform. Because everything you say is met with: “THE RULES.” Which literally makes no sense, as you are arguing about reforming the rules.