
If she’s not using non-union workers to do union labor, how is she scabbing? Talk show host are also under a different SAG contract than the actors on strike.

This man made $55 million dollars last year, has no real personal controversies, has little name recognition outside of his fandom, finished The Wheel of Time series, and writes a prolific number of books that obviously sell well? Sounds like he really deserves his success. Wired makes him sound like a normal nerd

The whole article could have been more interesting if Kehe explored the idea of story over structure, the influence of Mormonism on Sanderson’s fantasy, religion as creation, the author’s own biases of what he was expecting, etc. Instead of whatever that was. 

Please name a large organization that has existed for any period of time that you can't post a dozen links to terrible institutional practices. Because I sure can't. Even planned parenthood gas dirt. This dig seems silly

Well, Sanderson might be sort of unimpressive, I’m not particularly a fan though I do think he added a much needed jolt of fast paced writing to Robert Jordan’s work, but if there was a contest for biggest tool in Utah going on that day the Wired author would have won it by a fucking country mile. It’s like

I’ve been reading your comments. If you aren’t the author of the article, you think a lot like him and want people to understand his point of view.

The interview is brutal, but it seems completely honest. I've never read any Sanderson so I don't have a horse in this race, but he seems like a pretty boring guy to interview! He also seems very nice, which is a better quality than being interesting to interview. The Wired author may be nice to people they find

Sanderson doesn’t put out high literature but he consistently puts out enjoyable and accesiable stories. Really why does it have to be anything more?

The utter disdain of the line about Sanderson writing at a “6th-grade level” - as an insult! This is written from a high-degree of snobbery and privilege. No doubt, Sanderson is capable of writing beyond a 6th-grade level, but chooses instead instead to write at a middle-grade level because it’s highly accessible to

it must be a slow news day in video games if im reading an article about an article about a

You gotta admit, at the end of the day, telling your fans to calm down and be nice in the face of such a (let’s be real) unnecessarily negative article is the BEST way to handle it. Keeps the heat off the article writer, even if only a bit, and has you prominently featured on the high road. Say what you want about

Bingo. How many extra pageviews has this thing gotten because of all the discourse?

I’m not sure you know what aloof means. Bringing someone into you life, introducing them to your friends and family, showing them the fan base that grown around your work and sharing your hobbies is hardly aloof.

It’s tabloid journalism. Write something sensational, especially if it’s a personal attack, and reap the attention.

Glad you’re having fun! Unfortunately I had my first bad experience last night, my wife was healing in Deadmines and the group was having some trouble. People weren’t using crowd control, tank was rushing, and they started dying on Van Cleef. I later came in to help on my mage, but by that time trash was respawning,

nobody gets to judge who’s competent and who’s not”

I don’t disagree with your broader point, but

You don’t have to reinvent the damn wheel here. How do you define ‘too crazy to be allowed a gun?” Try this: In Canada, a person doesn’t get a firearms license if, among other reasons:

Wouldn’t it be amazing if this information signaled to policy leaders and decision makers that women need sufficient time off from work to have their infants reap the greatest benefits of breastfeeding?

HAHAHA. Yeah. Right. Instead it will only cause moms to feel guilty and for shitty people to shame moms for pumping