Angie Tribeca

Oh. My. Goddess. These “artificial scarcity” morons are infuriating. The Switch is outselling literally everything else out there, production has been more than doubled beyond initial estimates, consumers are buying more than can possibly be produced, the Big N released it during a slow time of the year specifically

No, I doubt it. They seem to be taking the DNC’s lead here, and are likely to suffer for it in a similar way.

Stick to sprouts!

I hear the Brits go shithouse for that stuff.

He’s a slimy douchebag of the highest order, but Libertarians sometimes falls ass-backwards into a good cause by mistake. Stopped clock, and all that.

They don’t even understand their own religion, why would anyone expect them to understand a different one?

How much do you want to bet she’s one of those assholes who bitches about immigrants not “assimilating the right way”?

I hope Donny, Beavis, and Butthead all have to share a cell. I can’t imagine a more fitting punishment for all three of them.

They’re all the dumb one.

More investigation is needed to determine whether or not there’s a reasonable doubt that this was treason, but it does certainly at least border on treason.

I particularly love/hate the final line: “And now he’s on Fox Neeeeeeeeews!”

Ah, so you’re just looking for contrived “reasons” to dislike the show.

I wouldn’t bother. Your GPU isn’t powerful enough to output to 4K.

I wouldn’t bother. Your GPU isn’t powerful enough to output to 4K.

Yes, every politician who is not actively engaged in fighting the abuses of law enforcement are inherently racist.

I’m just going to post a completely random non-sequitur here, that totally isn’t relevant to anything going on in current events.

Wow, those glasses make you really smart, mister secretary

Fucking traitors. Melt their statues down. Pulverize the stone versions into dust.

I enjoy the poetry of this suggestion.