
Everything looks lit from the same side to me. His body lines up accurately to the shapes of the car too.

It’s pretty appropriate if he’s just implied that you get sodomized frequently...

Wait, did you just reply to your own comment halfway through? O.o

My cursory Google Image search lied to me. O.o

Get a Maine Coon, or another floofy cat. That’ll probably sate the need for fat, and they’re less allergenic, in case you have any friends that would be bothered! :D

At the risk of missing a joke, here are two pretty good reasons this is not a Gallardo:

Grammar police. Woo-woo.


When I saw this posted, my first thought was “ugh, another one.”

Does he even wear a shirt?

Ransom E. Olds... founder of Oldsmobile. Not sure if this was considered common knowledge, or if leaving it out was an oversight.

I imagine the radiator being behind the engine is an aerodynamic bonus, but does anyone know if that placement has a dramatic effect on its ability to cool? Is it an idea that someone needs to try in a modern car?

I did. That’s how I know that there seems to be more coverage of laws than cases. I was wondering what specific cases you had heard of.

Which ones? I always see a lot of talk about public urination leading to the sex offender registry, but never any actual cases.

Wait, I think I’ve got this...

I was going to star this comment, but then I saw that you had eleven stars, and I couldn’t bring myself to break that. So if anyone unstars you, I’ll come back and give you one.

Every time I read your son’s name, I find myself once again wondering how the hell you got away with it! :P

There’s a tree growing out of that car. O.o

I support your nomination of the 918, but I also have a weakness for these:

Was it a human produced natural gas powered Chevette, with your lovely illustrations of the driver’s seat collection system bring the centerpiece?