Read up. It was released.
Read up. It was released.
Props to Shawn for the quick turnaround, but it sounds like the ornament was designed before he became involved. The sketching and iteration you mention probably happened before that email was sent.
But why compare one car’s selling price to another's MSRP?
When did clickbait become synonymous with “content I don’t care about?”
Captain Toad: Treasure Hunter?
What's that?
I will like any post that involves the Tomahawk.
Thanks for the article and the info. That first paragraph, though, needs a rewrite. You have an extra them in the second sentence, and the third sentence sounds like they campaigned for a way to make it easier to be robbed and locked in a trunk.
What about the pedestriatians you could endanger or inconvenience?
This post made me so happy.
She looks VERY damn close to a couple of friends I have in the industry. The right shoes, the right jacket. Nailed the glasses too. It takes all types...
It's ecks, the letter, not ten, the Roman numeral.
Not always applicable, but: lucky!
Amazing level. Less than good commentary. Wish there were some way of turning off the commentary without turning off all the sound. Just a reminder that it’s best to plan out what you’re going to say before you start recording...
Did you see it in 2D or 3D? The shaky cam was bothering me too, and I was wondering if it was due to the 3D.
Her outfit is amazing. She’s hard to despise even if you don’t like her music.
Curse the sex I was born into. -:sigh:-