
Part Time workers sometimes Full-time hours...without the full time pay.

What about the people who spend years applying and reapplying for disability status and being denied even though they really are unable to work? Are they supposed to either starve or find some way to work thus ensuring they don’t get the disability benefits they need?

If a poor person has no income how are you supposed to afford transportation to volunteer orgs, or training centers? Especially in places like NYC where bus fare is almost $3. At least in large cities there is public transportation.

Whenever there is an exception to laws like this, it is always for rural recipients. Which are usually white. 

If someone mugged me and I handed over my purse, nobody would ridicule me for doing so. This is such a disgusting perspective against women, and from a judge, no less. Just disgusting. 

This guy’s a real winner. He was also suspended last year after hitting his law clerk with a thrown object and refusing to submit to a mental health evaluation. Oh, and he keeps suing his fellow judges.

I listened to the podcast Broken Harts about this and from that, it seems like Jennifer may also have been abusing Sarah emotionally and financially. It’s a very complex and horrible story all around.

With Rahm Emmanuel leading the way as a parting gift.

I’m trying to figure out how common it is for a police department to bill somebody for an investigation even after charges were dropped. I’ve never heard of that before or even considered it would be a thing. That seems like something that could be abused by the government. Anyway, some people in the department

I’m confused - did he agree to this payment as part of whatever the hell went on when the charges were dropped?  If he didn’t then I would think he could tell them to go fuck themselves, right?

Despite a few bumps along the way, she made Reg Barclay into something useful, so she’s had some successes.

Hannibal in Hannibal was a great therapist, so long as the best treatment was being hollowed out in a harrowing process of psychological rebirth in which you emerge a new and terrifying entity ready to impose yourself upon the world.

Is Counselor Troi a good therapist?  I think the writing for her character was too weak to find out.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen The Sixth Sense, but I don’t remember Osment and Collette’s characters being depicted as particularly affluent. She probably never took her son to therapy because she couldn’t afford it.

Several years ago I was behind a woman who had 32 (I counted) items in the Express lane, which was 15 items or less. I glared at her a lot until it came time to pay, then she used her EBT card and I rearranged my (fewer than 15) items on the belt. She probably thought I was pissed at her using EBT and I didn’t have

Am I the only person in the world who doesn’t pay attention to how the person in front of me in the grocery line is paying? How nosy!

OK, since you’re already ungrayed, I’m wondering how exactly you know that “a significantly large portion of the population” abuses the system and has no desire to pull themselves out of poverty. Maybe it’s just a significantly large portion of your friends and family.

I suggest that if food stamp recipients are to be questioned about what they do with their taxpayer funded benefits, then defense contractors should be too.

Sometimes people need to buy some diapers or feminine hygiene products, shampoo. To be fair, some people aren’t buying necessities with the cash they barter for SNAP benefits, but I think that’s the exception rather than the norm. (‘I think’ because I don’t know for sure. I have limited experience with people trying

Freelancers aren’t in the union, stupid.