
I live in the general area of Palm Beach, and live is a nice but quite middle-class apartment complex, and our clubhouse is way nicer than this. We even have an outside omelette bar and Tiki grill for brunch every other weekend by the very nice pool. I mean, this is tacky and low-class AF.

It has been a beautiful weekend (I live very close to Palm Beach) — about 80-85, with mild humidity for here, about 70% yesterday, a bit more today. I have had on shorts and tanks all weekend, and flip flops. And all my windows open. He does not need that sweater at all.

Aldi’s “Thin Mints” are better than the GSA ones.

Fucking TERFs need to just STFU.

I wouldn’t vote for ANY billionaire vanity candidate, but if I was forced to pick one, then I would vote for Oprah Winfrey. But I woulnd’t want to, and I like Oprah.

Perfect analogy.

It is one of the best three or so movies I have seen in the last five years.

Then they can vet Sanders, like they never did in 2016 when they were attacking Clinton. Now, it’s Harris.

They were like that in 2016, too. It was so obvious it was disgusting. Let’s attack an accomplished WOC like Harris, but not vet Sanders, which they never really did. It was a love bath.

tl:dr child rape apologist bullshit.

Deliberate Stranger -- and Ann Rule and others who knew Bundy said Mark Harmon got his mannerisms and charm down pat.


More GOP Senators actually voted for teh Dem bill over teh GOP one.

Pelosi and Schumer are not caving.

My name’s not Shirley.

You, sir, are an idiot and a sociopath.

Senior women in homes are also raped by male patients and visitors.

He kept on breaking probation and nothing happened to him, he still gets recording contracts, and is still asked  to perform at televised music award shows -- gosh, I wonder why he thinks it’s okay to keep hitting and raping women?

Your POS ass is ungreyed, and I am semi shadow-banned for some reason?

Fuck you, you are a sociopathic monster.