
They didn't buy em but they sure propped them up. Apple probably wouldn't be around today if they hadn't been infused with $150 million from MS plus the big one, promised support for Office on the Mac. MS probably could have put the final nail in Apple's coffin back then but they needed a puppet competitor to avoid

Wait a minute Gizmodo... You mean to tell me that adding a faster CPU that is now dual core means things run faster? OMG, who would have even dared to think such at thing?

No way, it's still not fast enough. I mean, my 7 year old piece of crap laptop that I have still laying around for some reason can run Flash just fine but not an iPhone 4S, it would be too slow, unsecure and eat up the battery.

Sounds like an issue only for people who are self absorbed, shy or have low self esteem. I never find myself looking at myself when doing a video call. Then again, I guess it's because I'm not an awkward looking blogger who can't handle human interaction.

None of Google's languages or developer technologies has made it anywhere. This will be another Gears. They can bake it into Chrome all they want but it's not going to gain any real traction. They'll throw a bit of support behind it then abandon it like they do with everything else that doesn't drive eyeballs to their

The iPhone 4S had years of testing? You realize that would mean they would have had to have started working on it before the original iPhone came out? Yeah, I'm sure that's what happened.

Yeah but 300 million is like 200 million more than a ghetto head like Dre can comprehend so in his mind, it's like a bazillion gajillion and that's got to be close to Apple right?

That's what passes for a "hot guy" in NYC? The first guy looks a bit retarded, the second looks like the first guy after missing a few haircuts and having one too many of the Starbucks frappuccinos he's holding and while the third guy isn't ugly, he's not much above average.

Just proves how much the US government is a bloated, money wasting heap of idiots.

Cupertino. Why does that name make me cringe every time I read or hear it? It's like the name you'd give to a kid who's dad was a dorky, upper-middle class white guy and his mom was some Mexican crack whore.

Cool, can we send that short, ugly snowboarding douche bag that for some reason is on TV commercials and doing tiny parts in movies there? Tired of looking at his face. Ohh, I can strap a board to my feet and spin in the air better than everyone, I'm a celebrity!

"one of the greatest modern wars"? I think you mean "the greatest" unless you think any of the tiny little wars that followed, many of which weren't even as big as many single battles of WWII, were greater. Hell, WWI was bigger than Korea, Vietnam and all of the Middle East wastes of time combined and WWII dwarfed WWI.

This is pure crap. It's just one persons opinion and isn't backed up by any real research. Why would you even post this?

Probably just ordered them from the company they pay to make the regular iPhone cables. Find out who it is and see if they'll sell you a small batch.

Sorry but if you chose to make yourself a public figure and the face of a major corporation for decades, you've chosen to take criticism. Death doesn't give you a free pass from people having opinions about you.

So after the first 15 min where he co-founds Apple then loses the PC race to Wintel what's the rest going to be? Steve yelling at employees in board meetings about the iPod, iPhone and iPad then patting himself on the back as the stock price goes up and doesn't use any of his or Apple's money to do anything

Holy crap, can you be any more on Apple's balls?

Can we tear down the rest of that piece of crap called JFK and like 95% of the other US airports for that matter? Christ, last time I was in the ticking area of the Jet Blue terminal they actually had huge plastic tarps hanging from the ceiling with hoses attached to them to catch the rain water dripping from the many

Oozing quality? Like that quality antenna that works like shit or the "super strong" glass that breaks from a simple drop that wouldn't phase any other phone I've ever owned aside from a scratch or two?

Unless this can bend sound waves as well, it's worthless. Subs don't use visible light to find each other or ships, they use passive and active sonar. Also, this would send off a huge heat signature so depending on water conditions, it could be pretty easy to find the big, glowing infrared "cloaked" sub.