
Everyone has something better to do than post on some crappy blog, we just don't want to do it. But you guys need some dicks on here saying what needs to be said, otherwise it's just a bunch of circle jerkers posting lame crap like "I see what you did there"

Well, after 10 years and a trillion dollars wasted, you'd expect them to have a few new toys. Hardly Starship Troopers though

Who's the chubber with the iPhone?

You're joking right? That tiny, blurry, pointy thing that's gone in a split second? I'm not saying it wasn't a plane, just that video doesn't do jack to prove that it was.

There's no sensible reasons to keep prostitution illegal. It's all just the moral opinions of some being forced onto everyone.

A single downed line could wipe out power to this large of an area? Man, the US electrical grid is a sorry POS. It costs the US trillions each year in wasted power and power outages yet the government is too cheap to spend a fraction of that to upgrade the damn thing.

Please, you know that had these shoes not been in Back to the Future 2, you would never consider buying a pair. And even worse, you know Kanye West will be wearing a pair so you're in company with that douche bag.

So why don't they just build a small nuclear plant and power their entire company? It would cost less than a quarter's profits. Less than all their horrible company acquisitions that never amounted to anything. Plus they could sell the power they don't need and that would earn them more money than all their failed

I find it amusing that a company that makes all it's money off of hardware concepts it stole from others and an operating system that's built on someone else's OS and utilizes UI concepts it stole from XEROX PARC is so whiny when the competition comes out with something similar to their crap.

I agree that Zuck is nothing more than fecal matter that has somehow magically been animated into a human-like creature. But Google+ is just a lame rip off FaceBook.

That's more like a meeting room or guest office chair. No upper back or head support and rock hard armrests are not what you want if you're going to sit in a chair for more than an hour or so. Looks nice but it's overpriced as hell for some plastic and a bit of metal. The markup on furniture is crazy but on office

"How New York City Built a Massive $3.8 Billion Underground Transit Station in the WTC’s Footprints"

What's old man Schmidt doing up there? Didn't they drop him and his turkey neck down to the mail room?

Don't see what's so incredible, it's pretty blah as far as buildings go. On par with the smaller structures you see in Dubai. Pretty underwhelming and uniconic considering what it replaced.

Well, war has almost always boosted the economy. WWI boosted us into amazing economic gains that would have been epic had the stock market not collapsed us into the Great Depression. Then WWII pulled us out of the Great Depression. Cold War military spending and agendas are what led the government to want a robust way

Wonder if the first dork to get their ass kicked in public for wearing these fugly thing will make the news.

The resolution of those tiles is really bad. It might work from very far away but any half decent night vision system will show a strangely jagged outline and the small areas of the vehicle that can't be covered with tiles will seem to be floating and moving around. Enough to draw suspicion and gunfire.

This is wayyyy overblown.

What's your point? Their choice was lose a tiny portion of their global market-share or do the right thing. They chose to make a bit more money. That's certainly one definition of evil.

They've been talking about this for decades. Would be interesting to see if they actually do it. Prior proposals were for a bridge which would probably be much more cost effective and quicker to build. Not to mention easier to expand for commercial transport as you could just stack tracks instead of having to dig