
These markers they're looking for are too broad. Perhaps in their set of sample data it works but I know many people that write in this style and would write reviews like this. Also, you have to take into account what the review is about otherwise many of these indicators are meaningless.

Black n ghetto, black n ghetto. Err, I mean, black and yellow, black and yellow. I'm not racist, some of my best muggers were black.

Yeah mainly because of volume. HP's tablet is already on par with Apple's when it comes to manufacturing costs and they haven't even ramped up production volume to a fraction of what Apple does. It's just a matter of time before Apple's head start turns into a "trailing the pack"

Is this a gadget blog or has it become a soccer mom or tween blog? "The Next Big Thing for Keychains" Wow, really? Sad, just sad. The day you worry about what kind of keychain you have is the day your life is officially over. Please proceed to the nearest compost heap for full body recycling... Thank you

Of course someone will try to have sex with it, it's Japan. This is probably the least strange thing they would try to have sex with.

Umm, CA has about 37 million people and if it were a country it would be the eighth largest economy. You talking about LA? About 10 million and no where near the fifth largest economy and that's the county, not the city which is quite a bit smaller. Anyhow, yeah LA is a sweaty dog's ass and the people in it are fleas

Aww, GheySec and th35crotum are angry at each other. So sad. Brawl in the streets? "Hackers" are too weak and ghey to even run to the fridge to get another can of Mt Dew for themselves (thanks mom). You think they've got the lower body strength to walk out to the street much less get into any sort of physical fight?

Yeah but Apple needs to make 7 times as much. Nobody buys Macs.

Nothing to worry about. Can't do anything about it. So what's the point of being informed about it?

I've never seen a ghetto head use an axe before. Interesting... Lots of uses for an axe in the projects?

It's like the capacitance gel they used in the cars in Demolition Man.

This is new technology? So they've had Coke vending machines for like 50 years but just now figured out how to build something that can put pills in a bottle and wrap it with a printed label?

It was funny. A joke... jerk off! Send me your PayPal email and I'll send you a $1 to buy a sense of humor.

What a waste. It's like using the space shuttle to light some guy's fart.

Or how about using the billions the government pisses away on studies, surveys and pilot programs which never amount to anything but a bunch of yokels protesting in hick towns on fast tracking 4th generation reactors.

Or if they were smart they could just send a text message to your phone when they're aprox 30-60 min away from being at your home. I mean, they already know what packages are being delivered that day, in what order and all the delivery trucks have GPS that feeds location data to control centers.

I'd trade it all to kick Jobs in his liver just once! He's a douche bag and deserves it. Don't let his sickly homeless guy look fool you. He's screwed over lots of good people.

You guys should do an article on Kuwait's Madinat al-Hareer "City Of Silk" project. Makes what the Koreans are doing look like a back yard, weekend project.

It's great that countries like Korea and China and to a lesser extent, Japan are pushing for total reboot of how a city should be designed and function. They will reap the benefits of these investments many times over.

They can always extend the man made island that Inchon is on to add more space. It can grow as far as they ever need it to as it's just pushing out into the open sea.