
Guess Google, Microsoft and FaceBook will just have to censor everything now. It's bad for business if I can search "donkey porn" into Google and get results right? Looks bad if FaceBook lets 17 year olds post racy pictures of themselves as well or can post a status update with explicit content.

Yay, Apple is first to implement yet another port that won't live up to it's hype. Light Peak will be cool when it's mature and available but not this version. This is just the early, lame, very limited version of Light Peak. I mean, only 6 devices? 10Gbps and I'll be running my monitor over it which currently uses

What Is Internet? As in "What Is Car" or "What Is Dog"?

Wow, this warranted a video and a post? I bet you guys would live blog every one of Steve Jobs' bowel movements if he let you. there would be fanboys glued to their Macs, waiting for the next one and bringing Twitter to it's knees discussing the size, color and texture after each deed was done.

Really? Don't get out much huh?

Right because technology should only move at the pace of casual users that use their computer to play games and upload stupid pictures to FaceBook.

Please, please, please don't call it "thunderbolt". Stupid name and a shameless, pointless re-branding. It just encourages Apple to do more narcissistic crap like this in the future.

No more exploitation than any other crappy IT desk job.

Apple's multitasking interface is far from decent. Takes 5 damn taps to close an app and close the multitask bar. Also seems to take a while for the multitask bar to even show after double tapping the home button, even on a supposedly fast iPhone 4. Hack job.

So all Apple has to do is take the same design, make it black and you fanboys jiz all over each other? Then they wait a couple of years and release... wait for it... a white one! Then a couple of years later... OMG it's brushed aluminum, no way!!!

And what do you think is inside USB and SATA wires, rubies and emeralds? They already use copper or aluminum if they're real cheap.

There were only half a dozen PC makers selling machines with USB before Apple made one. No floppy drive? Yeah, that shook the computer industry to the core. Thank God for Apple.

It's just a connection. The only way you'd see any improvement from something like this over USB 3 is if you bought some next gen SSD drive that probably won't even be available for 8-12 months which would probably cost $500 and wanted to use it as an external drive for some reason.

You know they won't just rename it and act like they came up with it, but they'll force a proprietary connector so it doesn't work with any Light Peak device that didn't pay Apple a royalty to be an "authorized" device.

This is especially true on all the crappy Cheezeburger Network sites. But I guess the owner, Ben Huh? doesn't have the money for a decent video player because he spends it all on stupid hats that look like a cheeseburger. Your a douche bag Ben, even your mom told me so when she was over last night.

Well considering there are very few places where someone can stand and get a good, full picture of these locations, why is it surprising that they're all nearly identical?

IntoNow is the weeks best? It has no real purpose, no entertainment value and isn't art so why is it so great? I mean, I get what it does but there's no benefit to that. Every cable or satellite box has an on screen guide that tells you what you're watching already.

Just use SW Iron. It's Chrome but with all the tracking crap that Google added, taken out.

Why would you have to Photoshop that? Just throw some crap in the water, tie it to a rope and have someone pull it to create a wake.

Who cares what's a rip off of what? Did you personally design the MacBook or something? If you printed up all the designs and features that Apple has ripped off from other companies, it would look like the NYC white pages. At least the HP wasn't hideously over priced like all the Apple notebooks.