
Apple makes plenty of money off the iPad and iPhone. They're not selling these things at razor thin margins like you're suggesting. Apple makes well over half of it's income from the iPad and iPhone and they're having record profit quarters all the time.

No one at that table revolutionized the world. Nearly all of them are just CEOs and investors of companies that made lots of money doing something that others were already doing.

These things are all for show. There are too many varying interests being represented here to have anything practical come out of a casual dinner meeting. Just a photo opp for everyone.

I agree but every company has a figure head. It's not practical or in most cases possible to know who contributed what and give them credit. That's why the CEOs get rich and the plebs that come up with the good ideas and do the real work are rewarded by being allowed to keep their job.

Holy Christ this country is so completely ass backwards.

It's just a house and not even that nice of one considering his money. What's with all the attention?

These tricks are fine for competition or remembering things for the short term but just aren't practical for long term memorization and learning. The problem is with these word association stories is that if you want to remember more than one string of things, you're going to have to remember multiple word association

She's a *Russian* spy so I would have automatically guessed working as a stripper/prostitute or joining one of those mail-order bride catalogs. But whatever keeps her big nose from sniffing around the US for secrets.

LOL, $30 for a little piece of plastic to keep your Magic Trackpad next to your keyboard? Are people moving their keyboard around all day or something? How bout a piece of tape along the bottom for $0.01?

What do you expect with low wage, low IQ employees and no oversight? And these are the same people entrusted with our safety? And they don't have a security camera in the room where these "private inspections" are done? Christ, it's sad when a damn Atlantic City casino has 10 times more stringent security than an

Wow, hope that was a joke.

Steve needs to retire and spend the remaining years of his life relaxing or maybe giving back a little to humanity like ol Bill is. I mean, does he really want his legacy to be running a company that pumped out trendy gadgets till the very end?

Don't get it. So you want to know what you're watching but instead of looking at your on screen guide with one button push of your remote, you fire up this app and wait for it to tell you?

They copied your new layout huh? Well, I'd use it on my blog but I don't have advertisers so like 50% of the layout would be empty space.

Well, Zuckerburg didn't think of it first either...

Well, Zuckerburg didn't think of it first either...

Ran out of ideas for a new article huh? It's ok, we understand. Happens to everyone at some point.

You know they could have made the first one just as thin and light but then they wouldn't have any new "features" for the next one. Pretty sad when, aside from a little processor speed bump, dropping a couple of millimeters and an ounce or two is all they can come up with. Guess Apple has to wait a while for someone

PC sales are not lagging at all. Phones are outselling them because they have become mainstream and because people always want to buy the latest phone because it's "cool" creating a higher rate of turnover. Your average person sees a phone as much more of a fashion/status statement than they do their desktop or laptop

People also buy more soft drinks than PCs, does that make Coke the new PC? Oh wait, no. Because Coke *isn't* a computer. You're a clever guy their Brian. Unfortunately anyone who could actually replace their PC with a smartphone probably never needed a PC in the first place so, no, smartphones are not the new PC.