
Are they also going to make it illegal for creepy TSA workers who couldn't muster the mental aptitude to work as a garbage man from jerking off to their mental images of the scans on their lunch break? And how about passing a law that says TSA workers can't be assholes even though their pissed that they don't like

I'm sorry, what exactly was the point of this? Twitter is pretty pointless as is but now they're doing research to try and simulate/automate pointlessness? Wow, guess they're just handing out grants for anything over in Spain. Hey, I want to research how infrequently your typical WoW player bathes and see if I can

About 3 years too late. Another foot note in the history of the tech industry. All that money and you couldn't code a half decent OS yet Google and Apple and even tiny old Palm could do it for a fraction of just one year of your R&D budget? Sorry Nokia, I like some of your hardware but you deserve to be where you're

If you look like the guy in the post picture, it's the only way you'll find love in this lifetime. So go for it.

Yeah, it's got to be because it's easy to go after. Their argument is completely indefensible.

And 10 minutes after Hotfile goes offline, 3 more will pop up, hosted in Russia or some Eastern European country. It's all for show. I get where these companies are coming from, they feel like they can't just sit and do nothing but this course of action is just plain stupid. It didn't work for the RIAA and it won't

Apple has no case. I own a domain with the term "iTunes" in it which gives away iTunes gift cards as prizes. Got a letter from a lawyer working for Apple saying that what I was doing with it violated their policy. Basically told the guy so what as I never signed a contract with Apple or agreed to abide by their

Hey, you think you guys could put a bigger ad on these single post pages? There's still a little room left for the article that you guys could fill up.

The should make a show out of it. Take those washed up ex celebrities they put on those rehab shows and and do this instead. Justin Bieber is just an album away from being one of them. Hope they get the show going by then.

And who is going to pay the $1.5 billion a year, tax payers? Would seem pathetic but typical that a private company could do the same job as the government for considerably less with the government's own equipment.

I'm sure the soviets would have been happy to employ such a brilliant mind such as your to help out with their Rube Goldberg plan to land on the moon. And you do understand that just because something is considered crazy, doesn't mean it's some sort of genius waiting to be vindicated. 99% of the time, it's just crazy,

Please, please, please let the tank start up and gun it while a camera is rolling!

Wow, you seriously posted tweets while watching the game? I've got a gun and some bullets you can borrow if you want to put yourself out of misery now. Happy to help. You can even tweet about it before you go if you like.

I prefer to make my confessions on sites like [] which were *not* approved by the Catholic Church :)

Right, I'm going to buy a product with an Intel sticker on the side because got a check for letting them design some codpiece with an LCD screen or other pointless gadget with his name on it?

Well, the French seem to have more respect for this sort of thing than Americans do. If this was in most parts of the US, it would be a strip mall by now.

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: I'm sure the tabloid fodder, er, royal family has live-in help that only makes tea and spoon feeds it to them.

@mrantimatter: What's an "asian hot water maker"? Some asian guy holding a kettle over some hot rocks?

Don't have 5 minutes to make tea the traditional way (electric kettles are fast) but you have $768 to blow on a machine that probably takes 3 1/2 minutes to make it?

@izikavazo: Lol, I was thinking the same thing.