Angelique Jewell

You don't have to nor should you listen if you don't want to. The point is that Adele is not some talentless hack. Hate her music all you want, more power to you. But she does have real talent. I've never consumed anything Fifty Shades related, so I cannot comment about its quality, though I'll venture to say that


Adele knows hot to best use her voice and that is what matters.

This post, while hilarious, falls off from #s 6-8. Maybe it should be geared at RAPPERS who are not Drake. Lest one forget the Princes/Miguels/Jidennas of this world. And then, what about your Romeo Santoses and Prince Royces and just about any male bachata/merengue singer who has ever made a music video? As my Cape

I'm calling B.S. on the notion that atheists are pushier and less tolerant than Christians, especially in the black community. I personally find that religious folks in general (but certainly Christians to a greater extent in the USA) expect their faith to be handled with kid gloves by outsiders. Christians will make