
I'm #TeamJane through and through and I think at this point she needs to distance herself from both men romantically and focus on her own future and her baby and act accordingly because it has come to a point where she is being unfair to both guys.

That was incredible, I seriously wasn't expecting it!

It was such an amazing episode! The songs were amazing. And I really want to be friends with Rebecca, too, that poor thing needs all the friends she can. I kinda liked it in the beginning that Bartender Hans (I seriously don't know what the character's name is) understood Rebecca and what she is going through, but

Oh yeah, he is totally a goner!

While I agree, at this point I am a little annoyed with Jane tbh. She was the one who broke up with Michael without really listening to him (and she was right to do so actually) and then she went and made out with Rafael the very episode. I get that her emotions were a mess due to hormones, but now Rafael is there,

"What's your secret?"
"Birth Control." Oh Lina.

Glad to be of help! Enjoy!!

I am basically in love with Matt Berninger and I feel like this is some sort of a middle-age crisis thing for him, which I am grateful for because who else comes up with lyrics like "I'm peaceful cause my dick's in sunlight held up by kites"? I am also just grateful to have more songs to enjoy his wonderful voice. I

Yeah, it's Lance though I am still secretly hoping it's Laurel.

AMEN! I still wait for the day he mistakenly shrinks himself and Laurel steps on him.

Same! I wish they could have had the spin-off show up earlier so that we could get rid of those story lines. It ruined the Flash this week and Ray is supposed to come back in 2 weeks.

Constantine was pretty great actually after episode 3-4 but NBC treated it like crap.

If Palmer Tech ever gets audited, Felicity will have a lot of explaining to do: splurging on the lair, buying campaign quarters, investing in the campaign, buying cocaine? How are you gonna put them in the annual budget as expenditure?

That would be so amazing!

Laurel finally remembered to use her Canary Call! Remember when she didn't bring it to Nanda Parbat??

I thought the episode was not so great apart from the scenes between Oliver and Lance and those scenes fucking killed it though. Lair 3.0 is awesome!

definitely! i think he doesn't know it, yet, but he is going to figure it out and realize that Max Rager has all the cards against him given that he totally has a spy in Liv's life. and he is going to try to hide it from liv and further go down in his guilt.

I don't think he knows that she is roommates with Liv though, does he?

I am just so happy that Peyton came back as an accepting person and knows to some extend that Utopium is why zombies exist and she is trying to help. She is getting help from all the wrong places though.