
well, she does have malcolm's money and i guess malcolm would have nanda parbat air jets that she could have used, but malcolm didn't know about their arrival so that doesn't make sense…
as much as i love the show, it is usually best to disregard the illogical things about it.

I feel like that "witnesses are destroyers" prophesy will actually happen unless Ichie and Abbie bone!

Hawley was the WORST, wtf were they thinking with bringing him in? Joe Corbin is like a puppy tbh, I like him.

I like Jennie but the way she says "Abbie" is so weird.

I am confused… didn't Ichabod meet Katrina like very early into coming to the colonies, even back when he was a redcoat? And now Betsy is supposed to be before he met Katrina?

Anthem is an easy read but is a bit weird. Yeah, Fountainhead has a lot of shallow villains but I was in it for the architecture. Atlas Shrugged though…

how did they get to nanda parbat anyways? the both times before team arrow had gone, they had borrowed jet's. i doubt that laurel can afford a jet or get some airline to carry her dead-a-year sister.

I completely agree! I was super interested when they had announced a new guy in Felicity's life even though I ship Oliver and Felicity (like way too much) but then he came along and he was just creepy. Him being super rich and being his so-called socially awkward self is supposed to be charming but no, it is not! If

Someone on Tumblr did bring up to Guggenheim that Ray's tendencies to do stuff that should come up as sorta "quirky" (even though I hate, hate that word) actually comes off as him being really stalkerish and creepy (and it is!) and he totally dismissed the notion saying that it was because he is socially awkward. I

I loved Fountainhead so I had expectations for Atlas Shrugged given that it's Rand 'best' book but it was just so long and dull and just overflew with her philosophy idea that made no actual plotline.

that'd be AWESOME and would make the flashback sooooo interesting!

They showed the team going in and out of the lair but they never showed any exteriors to hint at where it was. The police found out where lair 1.0 was at, it'd be risking it if they returned there. I am just confused as to how Digg, Laurel and Thea used it when Felicity was away.

he deserves trophies from thea as 'worst parent' and from nyssa as 'worst boss'

I am really really hoping that Darkh is not her supposed father (if they are indeed bringing that in) and instead he is just a smart dude who ended up doing shitty things.

I loved that she had literally packed her PJs and all her rings to Nanda Parbat. Babe, you're going to a literal dungeon to bring your dead sister back to life, not to have slumber parties!

Ray doesn't stop his stalking even when he is embodied in technology.

oh that's the hot dad from Teen Wolf! he is crazy hot!

Oliver is whipped, I love it!

I kinda thought that the girl has some weird Russian accent going on that would eventually tie her and Oliver up to Bratva (BECAUSE GIVE ME THAT NOW) but now I think instead she is going to have some "mystical" stuff happening to her that will tie that storyline to Oliver seeing "mystic" stuff before to tie up Damien

Laurel continues to be the literal embodiment of horrible decisions. Learn about the pit makes people crazy? Go and dig up your dead sister! Bring your sister back to life? Go chain her up!
I don't like her, but I like that she is at least consistent in her constant use of horrible decisions.
I was baffled as to learn