
This is the one I was about to recommend! Ingrid really puts her heart into her music, I saw her in concert and she actually got a little choked up while singing Maybe.

My boyfriend and I spent nine months apart while I studied abroad in Spain, about a year ago and we're still going strong. I think in order for it to work you have to really trust each other and make the time to talk a little bit (almost) every day. It gets challenging when you feel like you have such separate lives

That is such bullshit. The Redskins is a horribly racist team name/mascot. As a latina, I'd be outraged if somebody tried to tell me that my ethnicity some how invalidated my opinion about derogatory terms for latinos. If anything that should help to support my point and yours, as members of those groups shouldn't we

I'm impressed, if you ever figure out what it is, you've got to teach me your ways.

Exactly, I have both of those types of friends and I love them both differently but equally.

I have to agree, as someone who didn't fit into the popular crowd, but ended up dating the star of the football team/homecoming king, I know for a fact that in high school there are a number of social constructions that determine which people "belong" together. My (now) ex-boyfriend and I broke that mold with our

A person's GPA, campus involvement and philanthropic activities do not preclude him/her from questionable social decision-making. I know this as someone who had great friends at my extremely liberal college who studied hard and partied harder. I think that Katie's point was well made.

My boyfriend said "Eat the eggs?", clearly kidding, but I was not in the mood.

My sister had twins and specifically told anybody who would listen that she did not want her kids to match, but come baby shower time, she was gifted a bunch of matching outfits. So even if you aren't necessarily the cutesy type it can be forced upon you. That said, I know my sister didn't buckle, she just quietly

Yesss, and then I learned that I had actually had a shot, but my mom miscarried my twin. Probably wouldn't have been identical though, since we would have been sharing a sack. Darn.

Hahahaha, this one elicited an LOL for-realz.

There was no history of twins on either side of my family, and then my sister had them. Now I am seriously afraid. It doesn't help that her boys are little shits. I love them, but really.

Dead on. Both of my parents were once competitive distance runners who "love" the sport, but really what they love is the social aspect, the competition, and the feeling of ending a workout and knowing that they endured, despite the pain. They also really rejoice in the whole, "My sport is your sport's punishment"

Gotta say, I find round butts really appealing on both men and women, and I can't explain it. I just think it looks hot. I think maybe they look better for grabbing than tiny flat butts, and that's what I'm into? I couldn't say for sure since I don't make a habit of grabbing people's butts, so I'm just admiring their

This. I saw him in concert three times during high school as well. But he killed it with the "white supremacist dick" statement. Not everybody is physically attracted to everybody, but if your preference is so distinctly following racial lines, then that makes you a racist, and to be so cavalier about it? Disgusting.

Same! He was just so cute and spunky!

I feel you. When I lived in Spain I noticed an interesting trend with average-looking women "dating up" by conventional attractiveness standards, and it caught my attention because, as a Californian, I'm much more accustomed to seeing the opposite. I think that there's really just no accounting for what a person is

Same with me! Toward the end of college as my hair was starting to go straight I cut off about 8 inches, hoping that it would bounce back up in to curls... nope.

Agreed. I want to hate her. A good friend of mine went backstage at a John Legend concert because she had family connections with the sound guy, anyway, she said that Chrissy was just the sweetest person ever, invited her into their dressing room, chatted, and teased John post-concert about coming out of the bathroom

Agreed, the eyebrows are great. My family has really strong eyebrows, and a couple of us have been advised against partnering off with other people who do but eff that, it gives people character.