
Yes. My landlord won't allow dogs, a reality that I've mostly-accepted, but I cannot give up the perfect doggy search. And to me roughly 3/5 doggies are "perfect".

I swear by podcasts related to your interests. I am personally in love with This American Life, so if I can force myself to get dressed and walk out the front door, even if I do so by lying to myself with,"Maybe just a short run today", I just start my iPod and I am golden. 60 minute podcast= 60 minute run.

I agree completely. When I met my boyfriend during my frosh year of college I made it clear to him that we would split everything 50/50 because I like the feeling of autonomy that it gives me to be able to provide for myself. Four years in, we now live together and I have to admit that I lived rent-free for six

That's true, I think the whole food-addict thing would go over much better with viewers if the show featured them out for their daily morning jog, or SOMETHING. Nobody has the luxury of sitting on his/her cute little butt all day long, gorging on food without gaining a pound.

Thank you for being so helpful.

I have a metabolism like that, but I'm only 22 years old and I exercise five days a week. I just figure I gotta do it while I can, because I've heard from many sources that come age 30 my body will decide to betray me.

Yeah, I think so. My older brother has been shaving his head since he was in his late 20's and I know plenty of women find him attractive. He tried wearing it with a short buzz for a while, which I suggested to him, but his girlfriend preferred him bald so he's back to that.

Hahaha I could see how that could be interpreted as pretty disgusting. More like he'd push his paws against me so I couldn't hug him.

I have a black lab too. His legs are little too short for his body and he can be incredibly dumb, but he's just the sweetest thing ever. And he loves to snuggle, he used to give me "the feetz" my family and I would call it when he'd press his paws against me to get me off, but now he's elderly and all about the

Ooomph. I'm such a sucker for that scruffy, casually gorgeous thing.

That's exactly how I felt, I just had a "bleh" feeling about Nicki Minaj before watching hte show, but seriously, I have to give it to her for standing up for the contestant. She's a 20 year old girl, and she's just speaking her mind, she should be allowed to decide how she defines herself.

I just realized that I gesticulate in an almost identical fashion. It looks pretty on her and gives her character, but sometimes I'll catch sight of myself doing my thing in the reflection of a window and think "Oh goodness, there I go with my long spindly arms and giant hands". But I can't will myself to stop. I

I just checked out Samorga's etsy shop and instantly fell in love with these bag inserts. Genius. Thank you!

I went to a hair salon once where the woman at the front desk offered to take my bag and went "Oooph! Heavy." when I handed it to her. It kinda took me by surprise because I imagine she picks up a lot of women's bags. Oh well, it could double as a weapon in a pinch.

I also love keeping notepads like that. I have a bunch of them, cheapo type that I got from the dollar section in Target. You can never have too much paper handy.

You had me at measuring tape, extra shirt and face painting pens! I love your bag and would probably love you if I met you.

I have a paper day planner! In fact, I actually have two. I have a purse-sized one and a big binder-sized one that I keep at my desk. And they're both daily's , I don't understand how anybody uses a monthly calendar, there's no room to write details.

Salsa Nutcracker

Agreed. She is so cute and wonderful.

Exactly! Girlfrand needs to learn to glide in heels, not stagger all over the place. The dress didn't bother me nearly so much as her uncomfortable gait.