
He basically played chicken with 300 million American lives for his own personal gain. He’s fucking scum.

I’m sure Netanyahu is already looking forward to the input of a man with no foreign policy whatsoever, whose only qualification so far is the fancy degree that his rich daddy bought him.

I feel you. I’m about one more Nazi salute away from Von Trapping this bitch.

“Conflicts of interest? Trump says: ‘If it were up to some people, I would never, ever see my daughter Ivanka again.’”

Words. Mean. Nothing. Anymore.

I used my normal email:

I signed my relative’s name. He’s in jail.

Most bullies are super insecure people who need to project an air of toughness in order to function.

I, for one, have no sympathy for her. BUT ON THE OTHER HAND, I’m annoyed that she’s getting press coverage and the like (the meme circulating that’s showing her from some shoot where she’s nude is particularly gross to me). Trump is the biggest shithead to ever be elected to office, and certainly is now up there in

slight correction there - Michelle Obama wasn’t white enough. Didn’t matter that she’s very good-looking, ferociously intelligent in her own right, has been extremely stylish, and did in fact do an awesome job. She wasn’t white, and that’s what she was judged on.

I felt bad for Ivana until I saw that interview with her and I realized that every single last one of these people are garbage and deserve zero sympathy for anything at all.

And yet, I have no pity for Melania. NONE. Not that I took from your post that you feel for her, but other people the past few weeks have been suggesting they feel bad for her. Wut? I’m sure she’s crying from her literal gilded tower. If you assume that she actually loves Trump, then this is the part where she steps

What I really am failing to understand recently, is how so many people have made it through elementary and secondary school and come out the other side thinking “Hey, how about them Nazis?” Truly, the one area I thought our education system did a good job in was saying that the Nazis were among, if not the fucking

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner

There truly are only three types of Trump supporter:

Wait, so they hate someone who refuses to serve them based on politics...

Or the time they decided to “protest” Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the anthem by buying his jerseys just to burn them. Jerseys are expensive and a percent of that money often goes to the player, so... good job there.

Dear Trump supporters - please boycott my vacation fund next.

“Did you hear what those Dixie Chicks said about our president? Let’s buy their albums and then burn them, that will show them!”

This is not a “protest”, it’s a statement!”