these are laws specifically designed to be brought to the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v Wade.
these are laws specifically designed to be brought to the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v Wade.
I’m a legal consultant doing research for a firm that primarily represents trade unionists, their constituency and admins. We had our quarterly board meeting yesterday morning and the ground was figuratively shaking beneath our feet the entire time. All I can say is that every attorney I have spoken with has every…
Fuck everyone of these motherfuckers. You want a fucking fight? You’ll goddamn get one.
Once my dad told me he wished we (my siblings and I) had been kids the same time he had been (he’s 80, so the 1940's) because it felt to him like a “safer” time (post ww2, pre cold war). I explained to him how horrible that would have been for me as a (smart, tomboyish, independent) female, and I could see in his eyes…
Woah woah woah, Ellie - Mom crush? He’s the crush for us all, thank you very much.
Not to mention that I am pretty sure literally zero people get pregnant, are all good and jolly, and then third trimester rolls around they suddenly change their mind about having a baby. People getting late term abortions, for the most part, want nothing more than to give birth to a healthy baby. For whatever reason…
You can bet your ass if the wife or daughter of any of these fuckwads investigating Dr. Hern needed an abortion, late term or otherwise, they’d have nine million excuses why it was okay for them, just not the rest of us.
I don’t know where to go; like where to turn to. I want to not to be angry; I’d like to have something to look forward to but I can’t see it. I just can’t right now and I’m really frustrated with myself for not being able to.
Yes, it is well known in Indian country that Trump has financial ties with these assholes. Why anyone would do business w/ Trump is a mystery though - he drives numerous business to bankruptcy, while bleeding off just enough $ for himself so he walks away relatively untouched.
Sadly I’m pretty sure that Hillary would have approved the DAPL. That’s still not even close to being directly invested in the project, but still.
God bless Inskeep for being one of the only journalists I ever hear call people on their bullshit. It feels like the rest of the media is just accepting everything once again.
Gaslighting: it’s not just for abusive relationships any more!
To call them an “alternative” right is like calling a pile of razorblades an “alternative” to potato chips.
“There’s a political correctness in this country that would say that if you said that once on a radio show, that you should be drummed out of public life. I would defy you to find a person in the LGBTQ community who has not used that term, either in an endearing sense, or in a flippant, jovial, colloquial sense.”
Let’s stop using “alt-right” and call them what they are...
“No racist! No racist! You’re the racist!”
Collaborator say “wut”?