“Can people, out of the charity of their heart, help the least of us along our path in life?”
“Can people, out of the charity of their heart, help the least of us along our path in life?”
I don’t judge anyone who hunts - people gotta eat, and I eat meat - but it’s not really ‘sport’. Sport implies competition, fair play, etc. In the case of 95% + of hunting, there is no level playing field; it’s “the animal doesn’t cross the path of your finely tuned murder device and lives” or “you win. Yum, venison…
Ugh, not this shit again. There seems to be a rash of people demanding cakes with anti-gay messages on them, hoping to be rebuffed, as if a bakery refusing to write a hate message was the same as refusing to do business with gays. It isn't, not even fucking remotely. (Who the fuck sees those as being equivalent?) …
Let's be complete here. The bakery *was* going to make an appropriate cake for the message. However, when it became clear that the employees just couldn't shit enough, even after a whole box of Ex-Lax, they just didn't have enough appropriate ingredients on hand to make a suitable cake.