
“We’re hundreds of years out from slavery.” No. Slavery only ended 150 years ago. Many slave holders still did not immediately release their victims meaning that for some of our ancestors it was less than 140 years ago. Either way it was NOT “hundreds” of years ago. (This subtle form of minimizing bugs me as some

I don't watch anything he is involved in anymore. I had "Born Suspect" (his first audio recording comedy stand-up) in the 91' when I bought it as a tape. I *used* to love all of his work. Now, meh. He has been sooo brutal towards black women. Since 2008 with "Kill the Messenger" his last HBO special. He spent 30+

Doit2julia, The question: Why was "Good Hair" offensive to black women? Then: "Can you post a link, so I can find out why this is offensive"? Julia— God bless you girl! You took the time to explain it very well! That said— aren't you tired? I have spent DECADES explaining "why" something is racist or hurtful to me