

You technically could get pregnant from anal, FWIW. It’s just not exactly easy. But any sperm in the general vicinity.....

But what's the formula for the glue???

If you want HOT get Dave’s Insanity. If you want a touch of spice with a lot of flavor, use sriracha. Hell, we have an entire shelf in our fridge dedicated to hot sauces. Because different hot sauces taste, well, different. And you use certain ones for certain foods. And yes, we have Caribbean hot sauce too. We even

I was hurt by a guy I was dating when I tried to break it off. It took nine months of me trying, and getting hurt, thus getting back together, to finally break it off completely. I was too scared to tell anyone, too.

Holy crap! That’s awful

This is society in a nutshell. I mean, fucking Trump has supporters, why should we be surprised at a jury buying bullshit like this?

Now playing

My favorite thing to say to people who criticize me, ever

DEAAAAAAANNNNAAAAAA!!!!! Tova really is the queen of the WTeverlovingFUCK face

Fuck yes, Mother Dick!

And he gets to complain! LOL! Holy hell, OW.

True, not by themselves. But man they kick ass as an added layer. Plus, no more excessive over the top issues. Ahem. But yeah, it’s more the added benefit.....

GAWD what a dick. My husband was like, yeah, under general? No way, not if we can help it. He didn’t even take pain meds after, and makes fun of men who whine about it. He’s like, dude - it’s not that bad, get a fucking life you wimp.

And an ablation right on top of that, lol. Seriously, when it was apparent I would threaten my life with another pregnancy, we wanted to be hella damn sure....

Right, except if she leaves him (or vice versa) she’s no longer covered. Ablation - burn that sucker to a crisp!

Fuck. Yes.

I’m considering the BVI instead of the USVI, as I had originally planned.

I honestly think that people who struggle with mental health and chronic conditions should be excluded from this. But it’s so overused, that I’m sure not everyone saying it has some sort of actual “limited spoons” situation, ya know??

I can’t use hormonal bc, and condoms sometimes give me a rash. We had a 100% effectiveness rate with pull and pray. While both my kids were “accidental” in theory, both times it was because he finished inside. Of course, when we were done having kids, he got snipped because then there was no iffiness.....

The shooter in Colorado was “very Christian.” Conclusion? Religion is the root of much evil.